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延伸閱讀:為何年近 50 歲的 Beckham 夫婦還保持年少身材?全憑每朝一杯「健康果汁」

@thrivingonplants GINGER SHOTS ✨🍋 Let’s save money AND make immune boosting shots!! These babies are sold at cafes for $7+ PER shot… so let’s spend the money on a bunch of produce to make more than a weeks worth of shots instead. Let’s gooooo !!! Ingredients: 2 oranges 2 lemons 100g fresh ginger (more or less depending on how strong you want it to be) 1/2 tsp ground turmeric 1/8 tsp black pepper 2 cups water * (OR coconut water if you want to add natural sweetness) Optional: 1-2 tbsp liquid sweetener of choice Method: 1. Peel your oranges and lemon and cut into smaller wedges. 2. Wash your ginger well and cut into chunks. 3. Add all of the ingredients into your blender. Pop the lid on and blend on high until smooth. 4. Pour through a sieve and into a large bowl. Use a spoon to help filter the juice through. Alternately you can also strain it through cheesecloth/a nut milk bag instead for a smoother juice. 5. Place the funnel on top of your glasses and carefully pour in the juice. Repeat until you’ve used it all up. Pop the lid on all of them and place into the fridge to chill. Enjoy! 👏 NOTE: They will last in the fridge up to 1 week, but ideally are best consumed within 3-5 days. You can also freeze them and thaw out as needed so they last longer (just don’t fill up the bottles too high up). #vegan #plantbased #easyrecipe #healthyrecipe #ginger #gingershot #juice #juicerecipe #lemon #health #juicing #healthyfood #gingerlemonshot #wellnessshot #juiceshot #gingerjuice ♬ How`s Your Day – aAp Vision

在 Tik Tok 上,不少人都開始製作這款「感冒果汁」,顧名思義是可以有效遠離感冒,增強免疫力,同時可以讓身體容易變暖和,更有活力和能量。做法非常簡單,把橙、檸檬、生薑切塊,加入適量薑黃粉、胡椒和蜂蜜,然後用攪拌機打成果汁便可。

橙和檸檬是維他命 C 的來源,可以讓身體增強免疫力;生薑同樣有提升免疫力的功效,而且可以抗炎;薑黃粉有抗氧化、緩解慢性疾病和排毒的作用;胡椒能促進血液循環、緩解腹脹和消化不良;蜂蜜則可以預防心血管疾病,同時能舒緩腸胃不適、對抗病毒等。這些材料全都是對身體健康有著不少益處,而且組合起來的味道一點也不難喝,假若你在冬天容易生病又會手腳冰冷的話,不妨試試在家中自製吧!

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