Iron Man 還是活不過來?再一次因蜘蛛俠的關係而把重要劇情洩露…

相信說到 Marvel 最不小心洩密的超級英雄,飾演蜘蛛俠的 Tom Holland 必定榜上有名,而雖然早前有網絡流傳指《Avengers 4》的導演曾經說溜了嘴指 6 位初代復仇者聯盟只會有 2

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相信說到 Marvel 最不小心洩密的超級英雄,飾演蜘蛛俠Tom Holland 必定榜上有名,而雖然早前有網絡流傳指《Avengers 4》的導演曾經說溜了嘴指 6 位初代復仇者聯盟只會有 2 人可以進入 Marvel 的第 4 階段,而那兩位將會是 Iron Man黑寡婦,但近日網絡就有了《Spider-Man:Homecoming 2》電影的劇情簡介曝光,而內容除了說到在《Avengers : Infinity War》中被消失的蜘蛛俠如何「起死回生」外,更加透露了《Avengers 4》的內容…

近日在 Reddit 上有了《Spider-Man: Homecoming 2》電影的劇情簡介,內容指《Avengers 4》的設定讓蜘蛛俠 Peter Parker 可以復活,但 Iron Man 確實會死亡,而一直跟隨著 Iron Man 的蜘蛛俠就會為他哀悼。另外今次的奸角就會變成能夠操控幻術的化學大師 Mysterio,電影更加多了一個跟 Peter Parker 作競爭的學生 Alistair Smythe。這次《Spider-Man: Homecoming 2》或將會被命名為《Spider-Man: Field Trip》,而會否有第三集的出現仍然是未知之數。同樣是網絡流傳的據透,但 Iron Man 的生死卻是截然不同,那你喜歡哪一個結局多點呢?

《Spider-Man: Homecoming 2》電影的劇情簡介
- Set after AVENGERS 4. Peter is revived, and it appears Tony Stark will indeed die and Peter will be mourning his death. The plot revolved around something groundbreaking that Stark has created, and which is stolen and Spider-Man must retrieve.
- Set mainly in London. Peter and his friends are there for a conference sponsored by Stark Industries. MJ, Ned, Liz, Flash and Aunt May are returning, alongside the Midtown students and staff from HOMECOMING. Gwyneth Paltrow is also supposed to appear as Pepper Potts.
- Mysterio is the main villain. He is an international thief and master of illusion, who has stolen Stark’s creation at the behest of a mysterious employer. Apparently, there are plans to include the fishbowl helmet, but he will not wear it throughout the movie.
- Jessica Drew is a MI6 operative pursuing Mysterio, who begrudgingly teams up with Spider-Man to stop him. She has no superpowers, but is a combat expert and skilled tactician.
- Peter develops a rivalry with a new student, Alistair Smythe, a technology prodigy who is determined to upstage him. Smythe is “manipulative” and tries to turn Peter’s friends against him. His father, Spencer Smythe, works for Stark Industries.
- Vulture and Scorpion will appear in minor roles. Scorpion is apparently working for the same man who hired Mysterio to steal Stark’s creation, and they attempt to get Vulture to betray Spider-Man’s identity to them.
- Mysterio’s employer is apparently a major villain from the comics and will be prominent in SPIDER-MAN movies going forward. No word on who he is yet, but he will have a minor appearance in the movie. Marvel and Sony eyeing A-list actors. Casting won’t be officially announced. Supposed to be a surprise twist.
- Yes, they are building up to the Sinister Six, but they are not guaranteed for a potential third movie in the series.
- The title (so far) is SPIDER-MAN: FIELD TRIP.

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