對於正在物色下一季要穿什麼新單品的人來說,各大品牌每一季所推出的新品總是令人需要好好做功課,尤其對那些想要最快抓住時尚趨勢的人來說,更是緊盯著又有哪些新品推出,隨著即將來到 2021 年,外媒時尚網站趁著 Zara 熱騰騰上新品先幫大家整理出來了明年衣櫃裡一定要有的單品,究竟這次又有哪些新朋友呢?
Zara 是無數時尚迷找尋每一季心儀單品的地方,尤其就連時尚博主與名人們私底下的穿搭都會見到許多 Zara 單品與其他穿搭進行混搭,搭配出屬於自己的高質品味,若想要參考 Zara 穿搭示範的時尚迷,不妨可以關注先前推介過的 IG 帳號 @zarastreetstyle,先前已經為各位推介過奶油白短靴與多款外套,令讀者們可以趕緊為衣櫃添加親民又有質感的單品,而不過也有不少人好奇:現在該下手哪些款式放到明年呢?
1 of 20
Zara Mini Skirt With Slit ($40)
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Zara Fringed Wrinkled Effect Skirt ($40)
3 of 20
Zara Metal Rope Hair Pin ($18)
4 of 20
Zara Knit Dress With Chains ($50)
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Zara Lightweight Sport Sole Clogs Trf ($36)
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Zara Water Repellent Overshirt ($49.9)
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Zara Z1975 Ripped Mom Fit Jeans ($39.9)
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Zara Low Heel Rubberized Boots ($169)
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Zara Fleece Coat Limited Edition ($169)
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Zara Dress With Shoulder Pads ($40)
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Zara Peter Pan Collar Poplin Blouse ($50)
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Zara Padded Vest ($50)
13 of 20
Zara Soft Feel Knit Sweater ( $40) $20
14 of 20
Zara BI-Stretch Extra Long Leggings ($40)
15 of 20
Zara Cutout Bodysuit Limited Edition ($50)
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Zara Treaded Sole Loafers ($50)
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Zara Square Toe Faux Shearling Mules ($50)
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Zara Faux Leather Oversized Blazer ($70)
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Zara Faux Leather Shirt Dress ($69.9)
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Zara Cable Knit Sleeve Scarf ($30)
面對即將來到 2021 全新的年份,不少人已經開始為明年的穿搭趨勢做功課與準備,尤其對於時尚迷來説每一刻都需要隨時更新與掌握最新資訊,而從這一回 Zara 上新的單品中,或許可以看出端倪,根據外媒《Who What Wear》時尚編輯親自挑選,認為開衩設計褲款、簍空連衣裙和針織背心等這 20+ 的單品到了明年將會成為主流趨勢,攻佔 IG 與時尚博主們的版面,絕對是未來的時髦必備單品。