如果 Audrey Hepburn 有 IG?除了優雅肖像,還會附上這 10 句語錄!
雖然有人覺得網絡科技發達,令明星的神秘感不再,但無疑 Instagram、Twitter
雖然有人覺得網絡科技發達,令明星的神秘感不再,但無疑 Instagram、Twitter 等讓我們與偶像更加接近。那麼你有可想過,如果上世紀的荷里活巨星還活著,他們的社交平台又會是怎樣呢?在「女神」泛濫的年代,以優雅見稱的 Audrey Hepburn 一旦開了 IG 帳戶,會不會也愛上夢幻濾鏡,貼上流行的 hashtag,或是依然愛展示真實的自己?熱愛演戲、慈善工作的她,可能會在 @audreyhepburn 發佈以下的照片,充滿智慧和幽默的語錄也會化成一句句 caption!
I’ve been lucky. Opportunities don’t often come along. So, when they do, you have to grab them.
They say love is the best investment; the more you give, the more you get in return.
There is one difference between a long life and a great dinner; in the dinner, the sweet things come last.
Elegance is the only beauty that never fades. A woman can be beautiful as well as intellectual.
Make-up can only make you look pretty on the outside but it doesn’t help if your ugly on the inside. Unless you eat the make-up.
The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
When you have nobody you can make a cup of tea for, when nobody needs you, that’s when I think life is over.
隨著年齡的增長,你會發現你有兩隻手。 一個用於幫助自己,另一個用於幫助他人。
As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
I believe, every day, you should have at least one exquisite moment.
Your heart just breaks, that’s all. But you can’t judge, or point fingers. You just have to be lucky enough to find someone who appreciates you.
只知道她白裙吹起的一幕?瑪麗蓮夢露還有 21 個你不知道的秘密
銀幕外的絕代女神 :Audrey Hepburn 優雅剪影背後的 22 件小事
一窺 Audrey Hepburn 的衣櫥,模仿她優雅又靈動的 Tomboy 風格!
如果柯德莉·夏萍打 Botox ⋯⋯英藝術家把經典美人變成「整容樣」,探討美的標準