被妹妹形容為「瘦得像厭食症般」,Kim Kardashian 被網民炮轟!
一直以來,Kim Kardashian 的身材都並不是走骨感路線,而一副豐腴的身材亦讓她給予人難忘的印象。雖然同樣維持著曲線美,但 Kim Kardashian
一直以來,Kim Kardashian 的身材都並不是走骨感路線,而一副豐腴的身材亦讓她給予人難忘的印象。雖然同樣維持著曲線美,但 Kim Kardashian 最近就不斷努力修身減肥,早前公佈了腰圍數字,甚至連親姐姐 Kourtney Kardashian 也感到驚訝!不過,最近 Kim 就因為強調修身後的身材而引起了爭議。
事緣 Kim 早前在 Instagram Story 一連上載了幾段影片,影片中她不斷要求她的妹妹讚美她的身材,甚至用「好像什麼也不吃」、「像厭食症般」等字眼來形容她,而 Kim 也大方接受。
Kim Kardashian being obsessed with her sisters telling her she’s so skinny she looks anorexic on her Instagram story makes me want to throw my phone into outer space
— Best Coast (@BestCoast) July 29, 2018
What the FUCK why is no one calling out Kim Kardashian’s Instagram story
TW eating disorders, body image, etc //— elspeth (@ElspethOakley) July 29, 2018
Kim Kardashian’s story about being skinny is so wrong ? Looks like you haven’t been eating ?? That’s not something to promote on your social media , You shouldn’t be influencing people not too eat so that they can “look good”????
— Melissa Teixeira (@Mxlissat) July 29, 2018
Waking up to @KendallJenner, @khloekardashian and @KimKardashian on instagram stories joking about how good it looks to ‘not eat’ and be skinny makes me so so angry. This is a constant from them. This is not ok!! #iweigh
— Meg Mac (not the singer) (@meganm0) July 29, 2018
不過,事後就有很多網民在 Twitter 上回應 Kim 幾姊妹的言論,表示她們這是在歌頌不健康的身材,而且作為有號召力的公眾人物,她們不應該宣揚「瘦即是美」的錯誤觀念,亦不應該宣傳非健康的瘦身方法。其實這並不是 Kim Kadashian 第一次因為強調自己的身材而被批評,說到底,不同的女生就會有著不同的身材,而自信是應該來自內在而非外在,作為公眾人物她們實在應該慎言一點呢!