FashionElizabeth and James Fall 2010 Collection via Olsen Twins的Elizabeth and James系列,Popbee每一次去Lane 59 PopsBy POPBEE/Apr 19, 2010
FashionElizabeth and James Spring 2010 Shoes Collection 昨天post了Elizabeth and James Spring 92 PopsBy POPBEE/Jan 14, 2010
FashionElizabeth and James Spring 2010 Collection 以前看Elizabeth and James的系列,我會很不高興,因為香港沒在賣。不過自從香港Lane Crawford引入了Elizabeth and 32 PopsBy POPBEE/Jan 13, 2010
FashionElizabeth and James Spring 2010 Lookbook 雖然很可能會遲到,不過我一定要先post這個Elizabeth and James Spring 2010 80 PopsBy POPBEE/Dec 01, 2009
FashionThe Olsen Twins Style. from olsen-twins-news, celebrity-gossip 日前Olsen Twins去了Toronto呢,此行好像是為了宣傳她們的Elizabeth and James 204 PopsBy POPBEE/Aug 27, 2009
FashionElizabeth and James Footwear 2009 Fall Collection from fabsugar Popbee昨天去了Lane 143 PopsBy POPBEE/Aug 07, 2009
FashionElizabeth and James 2009 Fall Ad Campaign Elizabeth and James的2009 Fall Ad 45 PopsBy POPBEE/Jul 29, 2009
FashionElizabeth and James 2009 Fall Collection from fabsugar 這個Fall,Elizabeth and 31 PopsBy POPBEE/May 14, 2009
FashionElizabeth and James 2009 Pre-Fall Collection from nordstorm, justjared Elizabeth and James的2009 Pre-Fall鞋子Collection已經推出了啊。才發現之前Mary-Kate 58 PopsBy POPBEE/May 08, 2009
FashionLane Crawford has Elizabeth and James now!!! from Lanecrawford PopBee真的很想結識Lane Crawford的buyer,她們的sense真的是太好了。繼Alexander 54 PopsBy POPBEE/Mar 25, 2009
FashionElizabeth and James Launches Mens Collection from WWD The Olsen Twins旗下的兩個品牌The Row以及Elizabeth and James一向很受歡迎,之前The 44 PopsBy POPBEE/Feb 27, 2009
FashionRuffles, Ruffles and Ruffles. 哈哈,我想沒有女生不喜歡ruffles吧?!這是由小童到學生到OL都會喜歡的一個trend。因為,ruffles,是女性的象徵呀。因此,PopBee就找來幾件來自不同品牌的ruffles單品, 104 PopsBy POPBEE/Nov 24, 2008