BeautyNARS 2009 Holiday Collection Christmas is just around the corner~!你們的聖誕禮物準備好了嗎?下面的NARS 2009 Holiday 98 PopsBy POPBEE/Nov 25, 2009
FashionChanel Iman in H&M Magazine Holiday 2009 今天的伺服器有點問題,阻礙了更新的進度。不知道大家有沒有同感,臨近佳節spendings特別多。就算不用買禮物給朋友,經過那些店鋪看到那些精美的christmas 66 PopsBy POPBEE/Nov 23, 2009
FashionH&M 2009 Holiday Ad Campaign H&M的Ad Campaign真的推出得很頻密,哈哈。下面的是他們的2009 Holiday Ad Campaign。基本上保暖的以及去派對的衣服,都可以在這個Ad 60 PopsBy POPBEE/Nov 20, 2009
FashionTopshop 2009 Christmas Collection from 嘩~!Halloween還沒有過,那麼快已經要展望Christmas了嗎?年尾真的令人萬分期待耶,(因為public 50 PopsBy POPBEE/Oct 21, 2009
Fashionbebe 2009 Holiday Ad Campaign from bebe 踏入十月,我覺得是一個又一個派對的開始。你想想啊,十月有Halloween,然後很快又聖誕節了,再來是New Year’s 127 PopsBy POPBEE/Oct 12, 2009
FashionKate Moss for Topshop 2009 Holiday Collection from the cut Kate Moss for 39 PopsBy POPBEE/Oct 05, 2009
FashionSonia Rykiel for H&M, yes it's confirmed! [caption id="attachment_32929" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Nathalie Rykiel, President 60 PopsBy POPBEE/Sep 28, 2009
FashionWren 2009 Holiday Lookbook from pipeline.refinery29 我的twitter上,也有follow Alexa Chung。很喜歡她的眼睛,好像貓的眼睛一樣,十分有精神。最近,她為L.A-based 103 PopsBy POPBEE/May 14, 2009