上映 20 週年!《The Princess Diaries》的這幾句對白,我們長大後才聽懂!
對於一眾 8、90 後來說,《The Princess Diaries》(走佬俏公主/台譯:麻雀變公主)絕對是我們心目中的「人生電影」之一。不但因為女主角 Anne Hathaway 和 Julie Andrews 的精湛演技,還是因為大概我們都渴望有一天,能夠跟女主角一樣突然知道原來自己是個公主。
回顧這齣經典電影,今年已經是電影上映的 20 週年了,重溫電影才發現,原來裏面有許多對白是當時年少的我們聽不懂的。20 年過去,再一次細味這些對白才領悟出箇中的智慧。
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.
From now on you’ll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
And probably all I ever do is think about myself…But then I thought, if I cared about the other seven billion out there, instead of just me, that’s probably a much better use of my time.
也許我只有考慮到自己。但是後來我想,如果我選擇關心地球上的其他 70 億人,而不只是我自己,那可能會更好地利用我的時間。
That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.
No one can quit being who they are, not even a princess.
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1. 從錯誤而來的彩蛋!這些本來是 NG 片段,全憑演員演技 Hold 住全場!
2. 終於可以好好期待?Anne 親口宣布 《The Princess Diaries 3》最新進度!
3. 面對多年前海量的負評,Anne Hathaway 是如何走過人生低潮?