峰迴路轉:因網民反對聲音太激烈,Scarlett Johansson 宣佈辭演「女扮男裝」角色!

早前我們為大家報導過以「黑寡婦」角色聞名的 Scarlett Johansson 將會成為電影《Rub & Tug》的主角(詳文請看這裡),該部電影會由真人真事改編,將會由 Rupert

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早前我們為大家報導過以「黑寡婦」角色聞名的 Scarlett Johansson 將會成為電影《Rub & Tug》的主角(詳文請看這裡),該部電影會由真人真事改編,將會由 Rupert Sanders 執導,講述美國著名跨性別情色大亨 Dante Tex Gill 的故事,Dante Tex Gill 是一位傳奇的黑道老大,在七、八十年代經營以「按摩店」為名的賣淫場所。

Dante Tex Gill

Dante Tex Gill

不過電影未開拍已因選角引起極大的爭議,皆因在注重政治正確的美國,大眾其實相當討厭「Fauxmosexual」(為引起注意而假裝為是同性戀者的人)。 Dante Tex Gill 是誇性別人士,有 LGBT 人士及網民批評角色應由真正的跨性別演員來出演才適合。

事件愈演愈烈,今天又有新的進展──Scarlett Johansson 宣佈辭演角色!Scarlett Johansson 發表聲明:

「鑑於最近關於我扮演 Dante Tex Gill 產生的倫理道德質疑,我決定尊重大家的意見,退出該項目。我們對跨性別人士的文化理解持續進步,自我首發聲明談到我會演出角色以來,從這個群體學到很多,發現原先想法不夠敏銳。」

而且她還說:「我理解為甚麼很多人認為他(Dante Tex Gill)應該由一名跨性別者來演出,我很感激有這場辦論,儘管具爭議性,但引起對於電影中多元性和詮釋的深入對話。」至於會由誰會代替 Scarlett Johansson 出演 Dante Tex Gill 呢?目前電影公司方面尚未正式公佈。

雖然反對聲音非常激烈,但亦有網民認為過往曾有不少非性小眾的演員演活著名性小眾人物角色,其中一個例子就是 Eddie Redmayne 在電影《丹麥女孩》中扮演的跨性別畫家 Lil Elbe ,所以他們認為只要能演活角色的都是好演員,不應太在意演員的性別。你的意見又是甚麼?不妨留意告訴我們。


Eddie Redmayne /《丹麥女孩》劇照

“In light of recent ethical questions raised surrounding my casting as Dante Tex Gill, I have decided to respectfully withdraw my participation in the project. Our cultural understanding of transgender people continues to advance, and I’ve learned a lot from the community since making my first statement about my casting and realize it was insensitive. I have great admiration and love for the trans community and am grateful that the conversation regarding inclusivity in Hollywood continues. According to GLAAD, LGBTQ+ characters dropped 40% in 2017 from the previous year, with no representation of trans characters in any major studio release. While I would have loved the opportunity to bring Dante’s story and transition to life, I understand why many feel he should be portrayed by a transgender person, and I am thankful that this casting debate, albeit controversial, has sparked a larger conversation about diversity and representation in film. I believe that all artists should be considered equally and fairly. My production company, These Pictures, actively pursues projects that both entertain and push boundaries. We look forward to working with every community to bring these most poignant and important stories to audiences worldwide.”

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