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黑暗榮耀》第二季在一片期待中上架,同時在一片掌聲中正式落幕,觀眾們都非常喜歡這個復仇故事,同時為「霸凌五人組」的下場而感到痛快。不過,在劇中互相廝殺的演員們,其實在片場中卻是有愛的同事。Netflix 最近釋出了第二季的幕後花絮照片,看見演員們有說有笑的模樣,瞬間讓人抽離劇中的悲傷感覺。

netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix

netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix

netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix

netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix


netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix

netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix

netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix

netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix


netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix

netflix the glory season 2 behind the scenes alternative ending

Image from Netflix


Text by Crystal C.

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