預告+劇照登場:經典史詩之作《魔戒 The Lord of the Rings》即將推出影集!


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史詩級別的奇幻電影三部曲《The Lord of the Rings 魔戒》系列,不只在許多影迷心中佔有重要的地位,也影響了往後許多創作者的靈感,同時也衍生出了《The Hobbit》等知名的作品,而 Amazon 在先前傳出將要製作系列全新影集《Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power》(魔戒:力量之戒)之後,也引起了諸多觀眾的熱議與期待!

2022 年我們在迎來《Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power》正式上線之前,相信大家已經預覽過 Amazon 推出的前導預告,以魔戒鍛造的過程描繪中土世界的領土劃分搭配上旁白敘述,本劇時間設定在 J.R.R. Tolkien《The Lord of the Rings》故事數千年以前的第二紀元,為了爭奪魔戒所發生的權力鬥爭將再一次上演。

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power first look vanity fair

Vanity Fair

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power first look vanity fair

Vanity Fair

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power first look vanity fair

Vanity Fair

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power first look vanity fair

Vanity Fair

本回 Vanity Fair 再度公開了《Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power》的全新劇照,包括 Morfydd Clark 飾演的精靈女王、Charlie Vickers 飾演的流浪者、Owain Arthur 飾演的地下王國王子、Sophia Nomvete 飾演的矮人公主、Ismael Cruz Córdova 飾演的精靈 Arondir 等多位角色樣貌首次曝光。本劇預計在 9 月 2 日正式在 Prime Video 推出,並預計推出完整五季,高規格的製作費與大規模世界觀,讓人非常期待。

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power first look vanity fair

Vanity Fair

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power first look vanity fair

Vanity Fair

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power first look vanity fair

Vanity Fair

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power first look vanity fair

Vanity Fair

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power first look vanity fair

Vanity Fair

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