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在近期開播的韓劇中,由金泰梨主演的《正年》於 Disney+ 10 月份片單中脫穎而出,這部改編自同名網路漫畫的作品,經過長時間的籌備,開播首兩集就看哭了許多觀眾,當中不只是金泰梨飾演的女主角備受肯定,由鄭恩彩演出的男裝角色更是因為帥氣形象而成為熱話,一登場就迷倒不少觀眾!

Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri



Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri



Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


不同於在先前作品中的形象,換上一頭俐落短髮的鄭恩彩,清秀又精緻的臉龐搭配上西裝、華麗的舞台妝造都毫無違和,而她也特地為了詮釋這次的角色而鍛鍊身形,成功的塑造出了讓女性觀眾也心動不已的角色!《正年》由《衣袖紅鑲邊》導演鄭智仁搭擋《走進你的時間》編劇崔孝妃,同時還有《二十五,二十一》金泰梨以及《黑暗榮耀》辛叡恩、《壞媽媽》羅美蘭主演,目前已經在 Disney+ 開播,並將於每週六、日更新上線,感興趣的朋友不妨前往觀看!

Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


Jeongnyeon The Star is Born Jung Eun Chae Kim Tae Ri


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