調查進行中:引起不少熱門話題的 Apple Card 今次為何遭到性別歧視嫌疑的指控?
究竟是否 Apple 對待男女不公,已經進入調查階段。
早在 2004 年,Apple Card 的概念就由 Steve Jobs 提出,如今正迎來實踐階段,這張與知名金融企業 Goldman Sachs 合作推出的 Apple Card 以極簡的外觀和淡雅白色吸引許多人注意,不久前更提出購買 iPhone 時可以 24 期無息分期等獨家優惠,著實拉抬了話題聲量,不少人都爭相申請這張信用卡,但今次卻傳出了性別歧視指控,究竟是為什麼?
The @AppleCard is such a fucking sexist program. My wife and I filed joint tax returns, live in a community-property state, and have been married for a long time. Yet Apple’s black box algorithm thinks I deserve 20x the credit limit she does. No appeals work.
— DHH (@dhh) 2019年11月7日
於今年三月時,apple 在 Special Event 上宣佈推出蘋果信用卡,就令一眾粉絲相當期待,甚至更因為卡片需要特別的收藏環境,不能與皮革、牛仔布和零錢等金屬物品相接觸,也有廠商提前推出了卡套,消息傳出至今,Apple Card 的討論度仍居高不下,但就在不久前,《紐約時報》最暢銷作家 David Heinemeier Hansson 於 Twitter 公開了自己申請卡片的相關情事,讓這張信用卡「性別歧視」的指控浮出水面:
She spoke to two Apple reps. Both very nice, courteous people representing an utterly broken and reprehensible system. The first person was like “I don’t know why, but I swear we’re not discriminating, IT’S JUST THE ALGORITHM”. I shit you not. “IT’S JUST THE ALGORITHM!”.
— DHH (@dhh) 2019年11月8日
David 說道:「我和妻子會提交聯合申報書,並共用信用卡和銀行帳戶,然而 Apple Card 卻給了我比妻子多 20 倍的信用額度」這樣的話題迅速在網上延燒開來,就連 Apple 聯合創始人 Steve Wozniak 也提出他可以得到比他妻子多 10 倍的信用額度,在其他的相關機構卻沒有這個問題,因此認為對於性別的公平性需要受到重視。
Just read this thread. My wife has a way better score than me, almost 850, has a higher salary and was given a credit limit 1/3 of mine. We had joked that maybe Apple is just sexist. Seems like it’s not a joke. Beyond f’ed up.
— Carmine Granucci (@whoiscarmine) 2019年11月9日
而 Goldman Sachs 公司與 Apple 方面則表示這完全是運用了複雜演算法推定的結果,然而 Wozniak 也認為這明顯是演算法出了錯誤,目前,為了讓所有不分性別的消費者都得到最好的對待,同時判定 Apple 與 Goldman Sachs 是否違法,此項指控已經在金融服務署展開調查,究竟這張 Apple Card 是否能成功取得蘋果迷們的認同呢?
Same here my wife is a doctor, I haven’t worked in 5 years and my credit limit is $20,000 her is $4,800. She wanted to surprise me with the new Apple Watch and phone for both of us, price tag came out to $5,200. She had to put the rest on our AMX.
— shareProud (@shareproud) 2019年11月9日
The same thing happened to us. I got 10x the credit limit. We have no separate bank or credit card accounts or any separate assets. Hard to get to a human for a correction though. It's big tech in 2019.
— Steve Wozniak (@stevewoz) 2019年11月10日