昭和古蹟華麗新生:咖啡餐酒館 Cama Coffee Roasters 還未開幕就引起關注!


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許多喜愛到郊區走走,又對於咖啡沒有抵抗力的讀者,肯定也曾造訪過 cama café 在陽明山上悄悄開設的旗艦店「Cama Coffee Roasters 豆留森林」,修復老建築成為寬裕的森林庭院,備受旅客喜愛,而這次 cama café 二號旗艦店選在松山文創園區正式落腳,再次打破了日常咖啡廳的慣例,cama 將原為古蹟的松菸鍋爐房改造為咖啡餐酒館,格外引人矚目!

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

這次 cama café 在歷時 3 年的規劃與細心修復下,將過去菸廠營運的動力心臟,主要功能為容納蒸汽動力機組、以燃燒重油產生蒸氣的「鍋爐房」得到華麗新生,成為一個可以實現咖啡所有美好的文化場域。座落於松山文創園區內,挑高 14 公尺的單層建築,有著標誌性的高煙囪,現在掛上了嶄新的「Cama Coffee Roasters」招牌,對咖啡愛好者敞開大門。

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

現在,於充滿昭和風情的松山園區內,古蹟建築裡運轉的是烘焙咖啡豆的鍋爐,飄散出的咖啡香就像是為其注入新生命,預計在 8 月 5 日正式開幕的「Cama Coffee Roasters 豆留文青」不同於其他店舖,除了以咖啡為核心之外,還提供茶飲、調酒、餐點及選物,並在建築物外融入光雕等藝術元素,希望從白天到夜間都能帶來豐富的五感體驗,身處台北的你不妨可以前往嚐鮮!

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

Cama Coffee Roasters 豆留文青 
地址:台北市信義區光復南路 133 號(松山菸廠鍋爐房)
營業時間:週一至週四 11:00-21:30|週五至週日 10:00-22:30

cama cafe Cama Coffee Roasters Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Cama Coffee Roasters

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