神秘藝術家 Banksy 作品即將拍賣:不只《女孩與氣球》還有超過 150 幅珍貴收藏!

收藏者還分享了不少 Banksy 作品的背後故事

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神秘街頭藝術家 Banksy 的創作以及其故事,總是令許多愛好者們矚目,其作品以黑色幽默與諷刺資本主義、玩世不恭的形象為人所知,採用模板拓印而成的眾多塗鴉紅遍世界各地,先前在拍賣會上絞碎的《Girl With Balloon》更是不少人難忘的話題,而這次再度有眾多 Banksy 的作品和私人收藏即將在 10 月末正式在 Julien’s Auctions 的「飽受威逼:拉紮裡德斯的班克斯收藏 Under Duress: The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction」中登場拍賣!

Julien’s Auctions 的這場拍賣會上,將呈現超過 150 幅神秘塗鴉藝術大師 Banksy 的標誌性作品,其中包括手工切割模板和原版印刷絲網紙本的《Girl With Balloon》、《Drill Rat》、《Antenna Chimpanzee Head》、《Laugh Now》、《Bomb Hugger》、《Love Is In The Air》以及《Monkey Queen》等等,還有早期職業生涯的素描、筆記、他曾擁有的 PUMA Turf War 運動鞋及 15 部用來規避追蹤的手機。

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Drill Rat Original Hand-Cut Stencil|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Rude Copper “Fuckers” Proof Print|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Antenna Chimp Head Original Hand-Cut Stencil|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Girl With Balloon (aka Balloon Girl) Proof Print (A)|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Love Is In The Air (aka Flower Thrower) Proof Print|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Laugh Now Proof Print|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Pictures on Walls (POW) Handwritten Modern Toss Invite Text|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Original Erotic Art Concept Sketches|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Bomb Hugger (aka Bomb Love) Proof Print (A)|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Monkey Queen Proof Print|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Turf War Exhibition Owned and Worn Special Edition Puma Sneakers|Julien’s Auctions

Banksy Under Duress The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction

Banksy | Burner Phones for Contacting Banksy (15)|Julien’s Auctions

本次的收藏來自曾與 Banksy 長年共事的 Steve Lazarides,最初他在 1997 年作為 Banksy 的攝影師為其紀錄許多創作,後陸續成為他的經紀人、策略師以及把風者,協助 Banksy 完成了眾多的遊擊式作品,在 Julien’s Auctions 的記錄影像中,Lazarides 分享了不少兩人一起度過的時光,也透露了這次保存了數十年的許多拍品的背後故事,目前「Under Duress: The Banksy Archive of Steve Lazarides Auction」預計將在萬聖節:美國時間 10 月 31 日 10:00 正式展開(香港、台灣時間 11 月 1 日淩晨 1:00),感興趣的朋友可以前往官方網站登記參與競投。

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