殺光底片的 6 對 Hollywood 時髦戀人:看不膩的情侶街拍,永遠還是 90 年代!

整理了 20+ 情侶照,你最喜歡哪一對😍

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七夕情人節就要到了,已經想好要怎麼與另一半渡過了嗎?活在資訊爆炸的 2024 年,1990 到 2000 年代往往是許多人心中最浪漫的年代,在 Hollywood(好萊塢、荷里活)有無數羨煞旁人的銀幕情侶,而且他們的穿搭即使跨了一個世代,到現在看仍然是許多影迷心中對於時髦情侶裝的定義,這回 Popbee 要來盤點 6 對名人情侶穿搭,無論流行趨勢如何變化,或許也能成為你與伴侶的情侶穿搭範本!

情侶穿搭靈感 1.Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt

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Brad PittJennifer Aniston 在 1998 年在一起,那時兩人都剛恢復單身,約會了一年多之後,在 1999 年的艾美獎牽著手走上紅毯,很快就接著宣布婚約,並且在 2000 年成為夫妻,一直到 2005 年分開的這段時間內,兩人無數次一同出席各個首映會、頒獎典禮,從休閒到正式,簡約的打扮風格至今仍看不膩。

90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

情侶穿搭靈感 2. Victoria Beckham & David Beckham

90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

從在一起到成為夫妻,建立家庭,Victoria BeckhamDavid Beckham 早已樹立了模範夫妻的高標準,兩人的點點滴滴在 Netflix 紀錄片《BECKHAM》上線時還引起不少討論。雖然不是 Hollywood 明星,但 90 年代時髦情侶可不能少了他們,對於時尚相當有熱忱的 Victoria,2000 年左右時已經很喜歡貼身剪裁的服裝,當然也脫離不了高跟鞋,現在看依然又辣又時髦,搭配瀟灑的 David,從以前看起來就很般配呢!

90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

情侶穿搭靈感 3. Kate Moss & Johnny Depp

90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

Kate MossJohnny Depp 在 1994 年時經由另一位超模 Naomi Campbell 介紹下認識,接著就是他們風風火火的戀情了,儘管爭吵的新聞有不少,不過 Kate Moss 與 Johnny Depp 經常出雙入對出席各個場合,他們一起約會的地方更少不了有煙、有酒的派對,完全是叛逆惹人愛的情侶檔,私下穿搭少不了皮衣、墨鏡等個性單品,與穿上西裝、禮服走紅毯的反差感令人著迷。

90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

情侶穿搭靈感 4. Elizabeth Hurley & Hugh Grant

90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

英國情侶代表除了有 Beckham 夫妻,1990 年代還不能少了 Elizabeth Hurley 與 Hugh Grant 這對金童玉女,兩人在 1987 年時開始約會,近年有不少風流新聞的 Hugh Grant,在當時與 Elizabeth Hurley 在一起了 13 年,中間也曾歷經劈腿偷吃的醜聞。回顧當時的照片,Elizabeth Hurley 多討禮服都以合身的剪裁,襯托她姣好的身材,Hugh Grant 則是習慣穿襯衫,敞開幾顆扣子,休閒又不隨便。 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

情侶穿搭靈感 5. Uma Thurman & Ethan Hawke

90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

Uma ThurmanEthan Hawke 都是出色的演員,兩人在《Gattaca》(台譯:千鈞一髮、港譯:變種異煞)相識,同樣閃電地在 1998 年結婚,並且同年生下女兒 Maya、再於 2002 年生下兒子 Levon Hawke,最後在 2005 年離婚。兩人身高都相當高挑,當時每次走在一起總是能吸引不少目光,私下他們多以舒服休閒的打扮為主,不只是常見基本的黑色系單品,也出現不少次不少亮色系、圖騰單品。

90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

情侶穿搭靈感 6. Sarah Jessica Parker & Matthew Broderick

90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

Sarah Jessica Parker 與 Matthew Broderick 的戀情比較是細水長流型,兩人在 1991 年初次見面,一直到 1996 年才開始出雙入對出席各個公開活動,隨後踏入禮堂,至今結婚 20 多年,並且擁有 3 個小孩。隨著《Sex and the City》開播之後,Sarah Jessica Parker 成為了許多女生的 Fashion Icon,與 Matthew Broderick 一起的情侶穿搭當然也不例外,Matthew 多以正式的西裝亮相,不過 Sarah 的造型相當多變,哪怕是一件簡單的寬鬆白襯衫也很迷人。 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day 90s 2000s hollywood couple outfit street snap beckham brad jennifer kate johnny Elizabeth hugh uma ethan sarah matthew valentine's day

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