《可憐的東西》10+ 值得一再品味的字句:在奇幻又怪誕的喜劇中,重新理解存在的意義。
由 Emma Stone 主演的《可憐的東西 Poor Things》在近期正式上映,作品改編自蘇格蘭作家 Alasdair Gray 的原著小說,講述一名女子在古怪科學家之手下重生為「Bella Baxter」,而她成熟的軀體中卻住著年幼的靈魂,在這對世界充滿好奇的時刻,與上流社會格格不入的 Bella 決定離開從小生長的宅邸,開始一場探尋自我的旅程,同時她也將遇上改變自己對生命想法的人事物。

Poor Things

Poor Things
在導演 Yorgos Lanthimos 與演員 Emma Stone、Mark Ruffalo、Willem Dafoe 和 Ramy Youssef 的詮釋下,這帶有奇幻色彩卻也充滿超現實、荒誕風格的作品,不僅獲得了奧斯卡 11 項大獎入圍,以及威尼斯影展金獅獎、金球獎等肯定外,也引起了眾多觀眾的討論,劇中 Emma Stone 超越以往的演技,帶著我們在充斥華麗復古色彩、模糊在真實與虛幻之中的世界,重新理解存在的意義,這回就跟著 Popbee,一起回味劇中值得細品的對話。

Poor Things
“I’m a changingable feast, as are all of we.”

Poor Things
“Why keep it in my mouth if it is revolting?”

Poor Things
“We are all on a ship and cannot escape. And there is a world to enjoy, traverse, circumnavigate.”

Poor Things
“I have adventured it and found nothing but sugar and violence. It is most charming.”

Poor Things
“We must experience everything. Not just the good, but degradation, horror, sadness. This makes us whole.”

Poor Things
“And when we know the world, the world is ours.”

Poor Things
“I do not care for polite society. It’s fucking boring. It destroys one’s soul.”

Poor Things
“Truth, beauty and goodness are not mysterious, they are the commonest, most obvious, most essential facts of life, like sunlight, air and bread.”

Poor Things
“Besides, a life without freedom to choose is not worth having.”

Poor Things
“My father once told me, ‘Always carve with compassion.’ He was a fucking idiot, but it’s not bad advice.”

Poor Things
“It is your body, Bella Baxter. Yours to use freely.”

Poor Things
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