2024 春夏涼鞋推介:Simone Rocha、Gucci、The Row、Charles & Keith ⋯⋯ 不論是上班一族還是小資女也有!


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涼鞋可是春夏必入手一雙(甚至數雙) 的基本 item,但想要穿出時髦感而非邋遢感?那就要懂得在看場合而穿上適合的涼鞋,畢竟 Crocs 厚底涼鞋不能陪你上班啊!Popbee 為大家從名牌到小資女品牌中精選了多雙涼鞋,由優雅高貴、設計時尚到日常穿搭,讓你不論在辦公室、派對、宴會還是週末也有一雙美美的涼鞋。

涼鞋推介 1. 辦公室女生:精緻優雅的高跟涼鞋

想在上班時穿著涼鞋的女生,建議選擇備有搭帶的高跟鞋款,纖幼設計更顯優雅幹練的一面,無論是配襯裙或西裝褲也一樣可以讓你穿出時髦感。想讓人覺得你更具時尚觸覺?那麼就要從細節入手,以 Louis Vuitton Blossom 涼鞋為例,鞋身選用銀色設計,在搭帶旁低調地加入標誌性的 “V” 字,幹練女生一秒練成。

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Alexander Wang Helix 65mm Sandals HK$4,700 (From I.T)

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Louis Vuitton Blossom 涼鞋 HK$ 10,200

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Gucci High Heel Sandals with Crystals HK$ 10,300

涼鞋推介 2. 個性女生:氣質滿滿的平底涼鞋

假若你喜歡穿著牛仔褲與短版上衣、襯衣與 Pencil Skirt,營出不經意的鬆弛感,那麼你要入手一雙設計低調卻質感十足的平底涼鞋,如這雙 The Row 顯線拖鞋,沒有多餘的細節,毫不費勁的優雅。

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

The Row Link Leather Sandals HK$7,254 (From Harvey Nichols)

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Jil Sander Cross-strap Sandals HK$8,600 (From I.T)

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Loewe Ease Buckle Sandal in Brushed Suede HK$9,250

涼鞋推介 3. 日常穿搭:設計時尚之必要舒適感最重要

魔鬼在於細節,愛打扮的人最怕就是「觀音頭掃把腳」,精緻的穿搭卻欠了一雙時尚涼鞋,人間一大慘事!想避免這種災難?不妨入手一雙設計時尚的涼鞋吧,如來自 Simone Rocha 的綴珍珠涼鞋,在扣上加入珍珠作點綴,時尚度上升 100%。

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Simone Rocha Embellished Leather Platform Sandals HK$6,479 (From Harvey Nichols)

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Celine Clea Triomphe Gladiator Sandal in Leopard Printed Hairy Calfskin HK$ 9,200

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Dior Bay 涼鞋 HK$11,400

涼鞋推介 4. 小資女之選:無痛入手

以為親民價格就沒有好貨?錯了!小資女愛牌如 Charles & Keith 和 Zara 也推出了價格親民,設計時尚的款式,以 Zara 縛帶涼鞋為例,在絲帶上加入蝴蝶設計,仙女滿滿卻只需要 HK$499,叫人如何忍手。

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Zara Flat Butterfly Sandals HK$499

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Charles & Keith Toni Tubular Tie-Around Sandals – Orange HK$439 (Online Exclusive)

涼鞋 Sandals Simone Rocha Gucci Louis Vuitton The Row Charles & Keith Zara Loewe Jil Sander SS24 Dior Celine I.T Harvey Nichols

Zara Rhinestone Embellished Flat Slider Sandals HK$469

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