Oscar de la Renta: Remembering His Words of Wisdom


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要成為一位出色設計師,不但要擁有一雙巧手製作出美輪美奐的衣服,最重要是對「美麗」有廣闊精闢的見解。衣服除了是外在美觀的一部分,也是表現自己的一種途徑。設計師在做衣服同時喚醒女性的自我意識,鼓勵她們要自信、獨立、優雅、精彩地過日子。Oscar de la Renta 受到所有時尚女性喜歡的原因是因為他深明女性的脆弱,他懂得如何透過設計賦予她們的需要,填補當中的不完美,讓女性穿起他的禮服時肯定自我,喚回對生活的熱情。只要發自內心的自信才能把美麗延續下去。雖然這位一代大師離開我們,但他的精神卻永遠留在我們心中。現在讓我們一起重溫他的5句人生金句,時刻提醒要做一個內外兼備的魅力女人。

1. “Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.”

2. “You have to walk like you have three men walking behind you.”

3. “My job as a designer is to make a woman feel her very best.”

4. “We live in an era of globalisation and the era of the woman. Never in the history of the world have women been more in control of their destiny.”

5. “The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness.”

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