Balenciaga Holiday Campaign 事件持續發酵:Kim Kardashian 發聲明表示要重新審視雙方關係!
Kim Kardashian 與 Balenciaga 的經典造型不復再嗎?
對時裝界而言,2022 年絕對是多事之秋,時裝大師三宅一生的離開、Alessandro Michele 離開 GUCCI、Tom Ford 被收購、品牌和名模相繼離開 Twitter 和 Ye 的神話沒落等,而最近備受關注的,當然是 Balenciaga 由 Holiday Campaign 所衍生的風波,雖然事發已有個多星期,但未見有冷卻的跡象,相反,事件持續升溫,就連品牌好友 Kim Kardashian 亦於昨夜發聲明。
I have been quiet for the past few days, not because I haven’t been disgusted and outraged by the recent Balenciaga campaigns, but because I wanted an opportunity to speak to their team to understand for myself how this could have happened.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) November 27, 2022
As a mother of four, I have been shaken by the disturbing images. The safety of children must be held with the highest regard and any attempts to normalize child abuse of any kind should have no place in our society — period.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) November 27, 2022
Balenciaga 在網絡平台上發佈多張 Holiday Campaign 的宣傳照,引起爭議的廣告相是一名小孩站在屋內,四周放滿品牌設計的禮品,而小孩上的熊仔布偶,正穿上束縛衣物,令人聯想到性虐待,立即引起網民的熱烈爭議,認為照片是在「性化兒童」,令不少粉絲質疑品牌的道德及意圖。
雖然品牌隨即公開道歉,表示高度關注兒童安全問題,相關照片亦立即刪除,並會向製作公司索取賠償。然而,網站和一眾名人好友的態度卻未有軟化,先有 Bella Hadid 在個人 Instagram 上刪除了部分與 Balenciaga 有關貼文,Kim Kardashian 亦於昨夜發聲明表示「作為母親,兒童安全和健康一直是她最為關注的事項,她一直未有發聲是因為想跟品牌先了解事件,並十分感激品牌瞬即刪除相關照片,並相信品牌會引以為鑑。」在文章末段就指出她會重新審視雙方於未來合作的關係。換言之,Kim Kardashian 與 Balenciaga 在 Met Gala 或時裝展上的經典造型或會成為絕唱。
I appreciate Balenciaga’s removal of the campaigns and apology. In speaking with them, I believe they understand the seriousness of the issue and will take the necessary measures for this to never happen again.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) November 27, 2022
As for my future with Balenciaga, I am currently re-evaluating my relationship with the brand, basing it off their willingness to accept accountability for something that should have never happened to begin with — & the actions I am expecting to see them take to protect children.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) November 28, 2022
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