人類總是重覆犯錯!Gal Gadot 一個 Twitter 帖文引起了一場嚴重「公關災難」…

自從拍過《Wonder Woman》後,飾演神奇女俠的 Gal Gadot 人氣急升,迅速成為熱門話題和時尚 icon

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自從拍過《Wonder Woman》後,飾演神奇女俠的 Gal Gadot 人氣急升,迅速成為熱門話題和時尚 icon 的她,當然產品和品牌代言都源源不絕,但最近她為代言產品出宣佈帖時,卻犯上一個嚴重錯誤,引起了一場公關災難,不知道她會否以電影 NG 片段中的招牌可愛笑容去化解災難呢?

Wonder Woman Gal Gadot tweets praise for her new Huawei Mate 10 from an iPhone

今年成為手機品牌 Huawei 代言人的 Gal Gadot 最近在在 Twitter 上發帖讚賞自己的新手機 Huawei Mate 10,但卻被網民發現到 Twitter 顯示出這篇帖子的上載工具竟然是 iPhone。網民開始在這篇帖子下留言並轉發,Gal Gadot 發現後已經立即刪除並修改帖子,並透過公關向大家解釋這次是因著她的團隊替她發帖才會出現這樣的錯誤,而她亦表示自己很喜愛使用 Huawei P20 和 Mate10 Pro。

Some people have asked about my recent post with my new Huawei smartphone, and think I am using an iPhone,” Gadot said through her publicist. “That’s simply not the case. I love my Huawei P20 and Mate10Pro. They are lifelines wherever I am in the world.”
It seems that a member of Gadot’s publicity team posted the video on the actor’s behalf, from their personal device, not recognizing that the device used might be visible to others.
“Sometimes I rely on help from my team to post larger videos,” Gadot said, “And that is what happened here.

雖然不知道各位對Gal Gadot 的解釋有何看法,但只能說人類總是犯上同樣的錯誤…

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