慵懶迷人的夢幻色調:New Balance x The Whitaker Group 全新聯名 9060 兩款配色!


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透過不同品牌的跨界聯名,除了為彼此拉抬聲勢,接觸到更廣大的群眾之外,也藉此傳遞彼此之間的重要理念,因此時常吸引到許多愛好者們爭相收藏,而本回 New Balance 再度傳出聯名消息,將與 The Whitaker Group 為人氣鞋型 9060 推出兩雙慵懶而迷人的色調!

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曾先後與 Nike 等單位展開合作的 The Whitaker Group 這回攜手 New Balance 推出最新聯名鞋款,以「Missing Pieces」為故事主軸,帶出年輕世代的願景,對於世界的無所畏懼和對於改變的決心,以抽象姿態呈現在支撐你每一步的足履之上,鞋面分別採用了寬鬆的網眼面料和 Nubuck 材質,搭配上不對稱的 N 字 Logo 和輕盈的湖水綠以及薰衣草藍紫色調,適合從夏末入秋的穿搭著用。

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The Whitaker Grp(@thewhitakergrp)分享的貼文

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The Whitaker Grp(@thewhitakergrp)分享的貼文

無論你有什麼嚮往,最重要的是踏出實際行動的步伐,攜手夥伴一起前進,在嘗試、學習和碰撞中堅定決心,也正是這些對於自身、現實與周遭的願景,與文化交織成的美好,推動著世界前進,穿上 The Whitaker Group x New Balance 9060 的兩雙「Silver Moss Green」、「Daydream Blue」配色,為你注入勇氣!目前兩雙鞋款都將於 9 月 28 日在 The Whitaker Group 開售,感興趣的讀者可以多加留意。

The Whitaker Group x New Balance 9060 Missing Pieces Collaboration

The Whitaker Group

The Whitaker Group x New Balance 9060 Missing Pieces Collaboration

The Whitaker Group

The Whitaker Group x New Balance 9060 Missing Pieces Collaboration

The Whitaker Group

The Whitaker Group x New Balance 9060 Missing Pieces Collaboration

The Whitaker Group

The Whitaker Group x New Balance 9060 Missing Pieces Collaboration

The Whitaker Group

The Whitaker Group x New Balance 9060 Missing Pieces Collaboration

The Whitaker Group

The Whitaker Group x New Balance 9060 Missing Pieces Collaboration

The Whitaker Group

The Whitaker Group x New Balance 9060 Missing Pieces Collaboration

The Whitaker Group

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