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你有聽過 Melissa Morris 這位設計師嗎?在奢侈品界之中,她可謂相當低調,但其品牌 Métier London 的名氣卻不容小覷。在 2017 年創立的 Métier London,以精益求精和實用為原則,捨棄鮮明的名牌 logo,將重心放於優秀工藝和永恆設計,就連 Kate MiddletonNicole Kidman 也是它的粉絲。

Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (R) and Britain's Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (C) meet volunteers who have supported elderly members of their local community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic at Batley Community Centre in northern England on December 7, 2020, on their first full day of engagements on their tour of the UK. - During their trip, their Royal Highnesses hope to pay tribute to individuals, organisations and initiatives across the country that have gone above and beyond to support their local communities this year. (Photo by Danny Lawson / POOL / AFP) (Photo by

Image from DANNY LAWSON/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

凱特王妃 Kate Middleton 日前乘搭火車展開巡訪之旅,就帶上了 Métier London 的手袋—Roma bag,簡潔的梯形袋身配上金屬鏈條,很貼合她含蓄典雅的形象。除了王妃之外,建築師、律師等專業人士也認為 Métier London 的手袋是一生的投資。Melissa Morris 設計時會考慮每個細節,務求全都具有功能性,而不是空有外表的裝飾。

Melissa Morris 認為現今很多手袋都聚焦於搶眼的 logo,而且為了季度趨勢而犧牲品質,她希望自己的品牌不會如此,更形容她的理想客戶就是像 George 和 Amal Clooney一樣,有著永恆而優雅的風格。

>這個 Zara 水桶包到底有何魅力?受日本女生熱搶,售罄後再補貨!
>盡顯知性氣質:Bottega Veneta 這款單肩包,是 It Bags 收藏的低調一員!