FashionPOPSNAPS of the Day: Street Style At New Zealand Fashion Week 2013 從 New Zealand Fashion Week 85 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Sep 16, 2013
FashionNew Zealand Fashion Week 2013: Underground 在這趟 New Zealand Fashion Week 之旅,看了好多場 183 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Sep 12, 2013
FashionNew Zealand Fashion Week 2013: Trelise Cooper Winter 2014 Collection 因為相信每個人都有與生俱來的美麗,所以 Trelise Cooper 的設計理念是以呈現天然美感為主再利用創新的設計將之彰顯出來。來自紐西蘭的品牌於 1985 年由 Trelise Cooper 122 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Sep 11, 2013