FashionKaren Millen Crystal Clutch 有甚麼比閃閃生輝如以下這個 clutch 更能在晚會上搶鏡?這個 Karen Millen 72 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 19, 2011
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FashionReed Krakoff Spring 2012 Bags 親愛的 PB 忠實讀者,相信你們都不會對 Reed Krakoff 42 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 14, 2011
FashionFurla Glitter Candy Bag Furla Candy bag 受歡迎的原因多的是,每季顏色吸引、輕身物料、易襯,最重要是價錢合理。繼早前介紹過秋冬系列那款深綠色,來到年尾,他們推出了充滿節慶氣氛的 Holiday 2011 94 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 13, 2011
FashionAlexander McQueen Cathedral Skull Clutch 最近這幾天,雙手都在翻轉著前陣子剛購入的 Alexander McQueen 149 PopsBy Bambina/Oct 13, 2011
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FashionCleobella Half Moon Clutch 台北的假期結束了,心也得默默收起回歸現實。或許網路創造的世界是一種逃避,就跟 Fashion 70 PopsBy Jasmin /Oct 12, 2011
FashionThe Cambridge Satchel Company Fluorescent Leather Satchel Exclusive To Asos The Cambridge Satchel Company 先前推出的螢光色系包包受到了許多朋友的喜愛,這回的 Exclusive To Asos 81 PopsBy Bambina/Oct 10, 2011
FashionPOPBEE Weekly Wishlist: Mustard Yellow Autumn 1. Carven Mohair-blend Sweater, USD$560. 2. ASOS Zip Base Handheld Bag, USD$52.38 3. Acne 86 PopsBy Bambina/Oct 07, 2011