FashionLauren Moffatt Spring 2010 Lookbook by Kate Lanphear 其實我對Lauren Moffatt這個品牌不太熟悉,會post這個,是因為看到這個Spring 2010 Lookbook是style by Kate 54 PopsBy POPBEE/Dec 14, 2009
FashionSex and The City 2 Movie Poster Revealed 其實這一張Sex and The City 2 Movie 84 PopsBy POPBEE/Dec 14, 2009
FashionCyndi Lauper and Lady GaGa for MAC Viva Glam Collection Ad Campaign 最近有人在說Lady GaGa”修飾”過她的鼻子,老實說,我看不出來耶!畢竟她每次出鏡的化妝都那麼濃,就算面容上有什麼大轉變,其實也不容易察覺。上圖是Lady GaGa跟Cyndi 51 PopsBy POPBEE/Dec 14, 2009
FashionKate Moss for YSL Parisienne from cosmeticsbusiness 我覺得這個YSL的香水氣味聽起來很有趣。他們說,這個香水的Inspiration是來自Parisian 83 PopsBy POPBEE/Aug 04, 2009
FashionScarlett Johansson for Moet & Chandon from dailymail 最近跟朋友一起看了”He’s just not that into you”,對愛情的看法有了深一層的感受。大家有沒有去看啊?!我覺得是一部fun and 125 PopsBy POPBEE/Apr 02, 2009
FashionClaudia Schiffer in Vogue Italia March 2009 Issue from swide 實在是太正點了這個photoshoot!先不說那些美輪美奐的Dolce & 58 PopsBy POPBEE/Mar 25, 2009
FashionVictoria Beckham for Armani Lingerie Ad from dailymail 這是之前沒有看到過的宣傳照。所以說,Victoria 65 PopsBy POPBEE/Mar 23, 2009
FashionCelebrity Style: Claudia Schiffer Claudia Schiffer真的是causal高貴兩相宜的人。無論是出席重要場合,或是平時上街shopping,她的打扮,永遠令人入勝。以下,又是一個很好的示範。這種cropped 49 PopsBy POPBEE/Dec 08, 2008