FashionJennifer Lawrence Wears The Latest Dior Looks for Elle France 在我的腦海中,還深深烙印著新生代女星 Jennifer Lawrence 要上前領取她的奧斯卡影后獎座時不小心的那一摔。身穿 Dior 172 PopsBy Bambina/Oct 23, 2013
FashionWhat've You Missed This Week 1. Jennifer Lawrence For Dior Magazine 2. Mary Katrantzou First Ever Shoe Line 3. Marni Trunk 99 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 11, 2013
FashionJennifer Lawrence For Dior Magazine Jennifer Lawrence 為 Dior 代言了好一段時間,其人氣地位與年輕美麗的形象,確實有助提昇品牌格調。繼上次的廣告拍攝,Jennifer 今次為 Dior Magazine 93 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 09, 2013
FashionPOPBITES for Today 1. Lane Crawford Beauty 率先引入英國香薰品牌 Aromatherapy 39 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Oct 03, 2013
FashionJennifer Lawrence for Dior "Miss Dior" Fall Winter 2013 Ad Campaign Jennifer Lawrence 星途如日方中,年輕的她手握 Dior 代言合約,季復季登上廣告硬照,廣告女王的名衍指日可待。繼上一次拍攝 Miss Dior 186 PopsBy Winnieee/Sep 06, 2013
FashionWhat've You Missed This Week 1. Jennifer Lawrence Talks The Hunger Games 2. Lulu Frost: The 100 Year Collection 3. Hermès 100 PopsBy Winnieee/Aug 23, 2013
FashionPOPBITES for Today 1. David Beckham 為 H&M 拍攝最新一輯宣傳廣告,繼續大秀他的健實身材。[POPSUGAR] 2. 全球最富有的模特兒是…Gisele 103 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Aug 22, 2013
FashionJennifer Lawrence Talks The Hunger Games 每次提到 Jennifer Lawrence,我都自動聯想到電影 The Hunger Games 中,由她飾演的角色 Katniss。戲中堅毅勇敢的 70 PopsBy Winnieee/Aug 20, 2013
FashionPOPBITES for Today 1. SANDRO 將於今年6月中進駐銅鑼灣利園 2 期開設亞洲首間旗艦店。除了最新的女裝系列,其男裝系列亦可找到! 2. Cath Kidston 36 PopsBy Vicky Wai/May 22, 2013
FashionPOPBITES for Today 1. 有說 Keira Knightley 結婚當天穿的小婚紗是她 2008 年出席活動時的 Rodarte 晚裝。雖然消息未經證實,但不排除她的婚紗是 Recycle。[Grazia 62 PopsBy Vicky Wai/May 06, 2013
FashionPOPBITES for Today 1. Reebok Classics x Alicia Keys 舞台別注版借用了品牌三個經典鞋款演繹音樂與時裝的完美混合體。款式分別是:Freestyle Hi Wedge AK、Princess 38 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Apr 22, 2013
FashionRose Byrne: Coming Up Roses 還記得在去年的大熱電影之一《Silver Linings Playbook》裡大放異彩的年輕演員 Jennifer 191 PopsBy Bambina/Mar 25, 2013