女生們分享「第一個 Kate Spade 手袋」的故事,或者會引起你的共鳴
美國設計師 Kate Spade 於紐約時間的 6 月 5 日被發現自殺身亡(詳文請看這裡),消息震撼時尚界。提起她所創立的同名品牌 Kate Spade,大家馬上想到的一定是手袋,Kate
美國設計師 Kate Spade 於紐約時間的 6 月 5 日被發現自殺身亡(詳文請看這裡),消息震撼時尚界。提起她所創立的同名品牌 Kate Spade,大家馬上想到的一定是手袋,Kate Spade 本人更曾於有「美國時尚界奧斯卡」之稱的 CFDA 頒獎禮中奪得「最佳手袋配件設計師」的獎項。她所設計的手袋用色鮮明大膽,代表著女孩們內心對未來的美好憧憬和無懼,就如常常掛著笑容的她一樣予人一種快樂的感覺。
作為一個「輕奢侈品牌」,它的手袋價格是名牌手袋中的入門級,不少 20 歲出頭的女生踏入社會成為白領一族後,想入手人生中的第一個名牌包包都會考慮 Kate Spade。因此不少女生對品牌都會有種情意結,知道 Kate Spade 離世後,在 Twitter 上悼念外,也紛紛分享了自己與 Kate Spade 手袋的故事。就連美國前總統克林頓女兒 Chelsea Clinton 也說:「我讀大學時,祖母送給我人生中的第一個 Kate Spade 手袋,至今我仍然保存它。」以下就是網民們「第一個 Kate Spade 手袋」的故事,或者也會引起你的共鳴。
My grandmother gave me my first Kate Spade bag when I was in college. I still have it. Holding Kate’s family, friends and loved ones in my heart.
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) June 5, 2018
Kate Spade was one of those rare designers who held up from preadolescence to adulthood, probably by making me feel smart & confident in a way no other brands did. What a loss.
— Natalie Daher (@NatalieDaher7) June 5, 2018
I remember my mom bought me my first Kate Spade bag. A few years later I handed it down to my twin sister & now she wears it everyday to work #rememberingkatespade 💔
— lizzie mcquire (@_Klauds_) June 5, 2018
I really am so sad about Kate Spade. Her designs have been symbols of confidence and independence for so many women. I bought the 25th Anniversary Sam purse last month as a 25th birthday present for myself. Rest In Peace, Kate ♠️ pic.twitter.com/mzYPeD3l6H
— Kara Driscoll (@KaraDDriscoll) June 5, 2018
I have vivid memories of walking the nordstroms bag department when I was young with mom, and being enamored by the boxy mordern bags with the little black Kate Spade woven label. Her work then in part inspired me to get where I am today. What a an immense talent to loose.
— Elizabeth Diver (@DivDiver) June 5, 2018
I remember in senior year of high school I saved up for months to buy myself a kate spade wallet. I remember feeling so mature and sophisticated, like I was finally ready to take on the world.
— a n i k a🇨🇦 (@capitalismwitch) June 5, 2018
The first gift my husband ever gave me was a Kate Spade bag that I had been coveting. I’ve always been drawn to the whimsy and fun culture of the brand. Another reminder that the light does not exist without an equal amount of dark. 💔
— missbonniejane (@missbonniejane) June 5, 2018
nobody on Earth did Wacky Aunt novelty bags/flats like Kate Spade. So fun and full of joy. Every time I wear or carry something of hers, people stop me to ask about it, because her work is like a beam of silly fun light in this often dreary world. I hope she has found peace ❤️
— Pixie Casey (@pixie_casey) June 5, 2018
When I got my first Kate Spade purse for Christmas one year, I carried that blue purse everywhere I went b/c it made me like I was a sophisticated, chic, classy lady living my dream in New York City. Kate Spade empowered girls to dream & to find a little magic in everything💓
— Mia Sophia (@miasofiaa) June 5, 2018
This is so sad. I remember growing up in the 90s and looking at Kate Spade bags with my friends.
I always carry gold Kate Spade pens with me. May she rest in peace.— Karen Attiah (@KarenAttiah) June 5, 2018
I took my first Kate Spade bags when I studied abroad in London and wore her dress and shoes at my college graduation. RIP to a true icon.
— Julia Manchester (@JuliaManch) June 5, 2018
Ask a girl about her first Kate Spade bag and she'll have so many wonderful things to tell you. She was a female entrepreneurial force to be reckoned with; a real inspiration.
She was so loved & so are you. You aren't alone.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255— Eisha Misra (@EishaMisra) June 5, 2018