新作竟然是關於相差 29 年父女戀!Woody Allen 新作涉未成年床戲捱轟
近日荷里活爆於的 Harvey Weinstein 性醜聞事件弄得滿城風雨,多位女受害人出面控訴被性侵犯/性騷擾的經歷,令社會充斥著齊心對抗性罪行的情緒。另一邊廂,美國當代電影大師 Woody
近日荷里活爆於的 Harvey Weinstein 性醜聞事件弄得滿城風雨,多位女受害人出面控訴被性侵犯/性騷擾的經歷,令社會充斥著齊心對抗性罪行的情緒。另一邊廂,美國當代電影大師 Woody Allen 正密鑼緊鼓拍攝他的最新作品-《The Rainy Days》(暫定),已知會找來 Selena Gomez、新晉男星 Timothee Chalamet、21 歲的荷李活新生代女星 Elle Fanning、44 歲的英國著名男演員 Jude Law,而有關的劇情終於進一步曝光,想不到其中一條故事線是關於 15 歲女生和 44 歲男人的父女戀⋯⋯
據外媒《Page Six》的報導,該對「父女戀」將會由 Elle Fanning 和 Jude Law 所飾演,而 Elle 是扮演著一名新晉模特兒,Jude 則是扮演著類似經紀人的角色,這實在是與近期的 Harvey Weinstein 事件太相似了⋯⋯而最具爭議的部份,是這對「父女戀」還會涉及未成年性愛場面,讓大眾無法接受。
Woody Allen is so fucking brazen. You get accused of sexually molesting one of your daughters, you marry another one, and then spend the rest of your life making movies about sexual relationships between adults and children. https://t.co/92tcdZ3spB
— Woman (@XXCharleyUchea) October 23, 2017
再加上 Woody Allen 本人曾有著性侵養女的醜聞,無論是戲裡還是戲外,這樣的劇情都令人相當反感⋯⋯
I know people will continue to work for Woody Allen until he’s (hopefully) incarcerated but that won’t stop the sad disappointment
— Shannon Purser (@shannonpurser) October 24, 2017
It’s wild that Woody Allen’s own family has distanced themselves and called him a predator, but Hollywood continues to embrace him.
— Genie Lauren (@MoreAndAgain) October 24, 2017
Hey, it’s not like EVERY Woody Allen movie features an old guy and a young gi… never mind he’s disgusting.
— Lily Rose (@LilyRoseLynn) October 24, 2017