沒想過會有結束的一天... 《Keeping Up with the Kardashians》明年播出最後一季!

播了 14 年的時間… 一個剛出生的小孩都變成青少年了😭😭

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The Kardashians,這在國外幾乎是現在年輕一輩無人不知、無人不曉的姓氏,細數 Kendall Jenner、Kylie Jenner、Kim Kardashians、Khloe Kardashians、Kourtney Kardashians、Kris Jenner… 每一位成員都是各個報章媒體的常客,無論是八卦新聞、雜誌封面,又或者是時裝周的伸展台上,名媛在美國並不少見,但 Kardashian 家族為什麼佔盡了鋒芒?一切源頭絕對不能少提實境秀《Keeping Up with the Kardashians》

keeping up with the kardashians end 14 years season 20 until 2021

《Keeping Up with the Kardashians》第一季從 2007 年十月開播,算一算至今已經有長達 14 年的時間,目前第 19 季也已經開拍,並且籌劃到第 20 季,而目前正在播映的第 18 季平均在美國仍有 100 萬人次觀看,才剛登上 Netflix 串流,不過稍早卻傳出一個粉絲們都不想面對的消息,便是實境秀即將畫上句點。

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To our amazing fans – It is with heavy hearts that we’ve made the difficult decision as a family to say goodbye to Keeping Up with the Kardashians. After what will be 14 years, 20 seasons, hundreds of episodes and numerous spin-off shows, we are beyond grateful to all of you who’ve watched us for all of these years – through the good times, the bad times, the happiness, the tears, and the many relationships and children. We’ll forever cherish the wonderful memories and countless people we’ve met along the way. Thank you to the thousands of individuals and businesses that have been a part of this experience and, most importantly, a very special thank you to Ryan Seacrest for believing in us, E! for being our partner, and our production team at Bunim/Murray, who’ve spent countless hours documenting our lives. Our last season will air early next year in 2021. Without Keeping Up with The Kardashians, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am so incredibly grateful to everyone who has watched and supported me and my family these past 14 incredible years. This show made us who we are and I will be forever in debt to everyone who played a role in shaping our careers and changing our lives forever. With Love and Gratitude, Kim

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Kim Kardashian 在 Instagram 跟大家分享這個消息,讓許多粉絲感到萬分不捨,也令許多人開始猜想收攤的背後原因,翻閱先前的報導,除了實境秀與 E! 合約到期是最大的原因之外,為什麼沒有再續約也成為了討論的話題。不過先別難過得太早,離《Keeping Up with the Kardashians》畫上句點還有兩季,最後第 20 季將在 2021 年播出,粉絲們接下來可不會想錯過任何一集了。

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