1. Fall 2013 Bag Trends 2. Why Do You Love Louboutin? 3. It’s About Time: Phillip Lim on His 31 Hour Bag 4. Mary Katrantzou Sterling Printed Leather Large Pouch 5. Marimekko Spring 2013 Lookbook
FashionMaison Martin Margiela x Casio G-Shock GA-300 Preview 除了時裝,世界上有太多東西我們都嚮往!Maison Martin Margiela(MMM)最新的合作對象竟然是 G-Shock!銀色金屬打造的錶盤,加上 oversize 603 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Mar 22, 2013
BeautyFor Beloved One New Product Launch 眾所周之台灣美食很多,同樣地它們亦有很多本土出產的美容品牌,雖然它們沒有國際品牌般鋪天蓋地式宣傳,但憑著口碑、信譽一直享負亞洲。For Beloved One 69 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Mar 22, 2013
FashionZara 2013 April Lookbook 每個月最讓人期待和興奮的事當然就是出糧,不過除此之外 Zara 每個月 Lookbook 171 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Mar 22, 2013
FashionPOPSNAPS of the Day Happy Friday!又來到今個星期的 “POPSNAPS of the Day”,這次介紹的街拍人物有點特別,她不是一般出現在街拍照的模特兒,她叫 Lesley Townsend 122 PopsBy Vicky Wai/Mar 22, 2013
FashionPOPBEE Weekly Wishlist 1. OAK Leather Varsity Jacket HK$4000 2. Nike Dunk sky hi city black gorge green sail london 45 PopsBy Winnieee/Mar 22, 2013
BlogToday's Outfit. 最近我迷上了尖東忌廉哥。雖然他已經在網路上紅了好一陣子,可是我真的是一個星期前,才開始關注他的 facebook 71 PopsBy POPBEE/Mar 22, 2013