Kim Kardashian 最新塑身衣品牌惹爭議,為什麼一推出就引起大量日本網民撻伐?
Kim Kardashian 的塑身內衣品牌在 Twitter 上引起日本網民強烈不滿!
不久前才剛看過 Kim Kardashian 的最新豪宅,先前更迎來了與 Kanye West 的第四個小孩,在家庭與工作上看似一帆風順的她,近期的事業似乎遭遇到了些波折,每每一有新消息總會成為大眾議論的焦點,而繼她的個人品牌 KKW Beauty 推出的身體粉底引起大量網民批評後,近日她最新創立品牌卻意外引起了日本人撻伐,到底發生了什麼事?
Finally I can share with you guys this project that I have been developing for the last year.
I’ve been passionate about this for 15 years.Kimono is my take on shapewear and solutions for women that actually work.
Photos by Vanessa Beecroft pic.twitter.com/YAACrRltX3
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) 2019年6月25日
擁有千億身價的 Kim Kardashian 這些年因為她高調的行事作風所引起的爭議從沒有少過,而身為話題製造機的她這次不是形象照或產品引發撻伐,而是因為她將新創立的塑身內衣品牌取名為 Kimono,這個名詞意外引起了日本人強烈不滿,「Kimono」為日文和服的意思,對於這個極具象徵日本傳統文化的代表服飾,Kim Kardashian 將毫無關聯的塑身衣品牌取為此名,令日本網民認為受到侵犯、不受到尊重。
Wow, @KimKardashian.
Thanks for BUTCHERING Japanese culture!!! My culture is not your plaything.
You don’t have any respect for people who are not your family, do you?
In the 15 yrs developing this project, couldn’t you find a cultural advisor?#KimOhNo #culturalappropriation https://t.co/OsDYVZxPhx— 🍤kasumi🦄✨ (@kasumihrkw) 2019年6月26日
I feel very sad that the name “Kimono” is being used to something completely different from what we Japanese know about it. Kimono is Japanese traditional clothes and we are very proud of its history and culture. I’m sorry but I feel this name choice is simply ignorant. #KimOhNo
— ヤス@BUNKAIWA(ブンカイワ) (@bunkaiwa) 2019年6月26日
These are my grandmother’s kimonos. Some of these are dyed and embroidered by herself. When I was child, I loved watching she embroidered on kimono cloth. My grandmother who makes beautiful embroidery is also beautiful and I always felt it magical. #KimOhNo pic.twitter.com/29v3pzCGDn
— Ginji_GoldFish (@Ginji_GoldFish) 2019年6月26日
外媒報導表示這個最新品牌 Kim Kardashian 已經籌備了 15 年,希望可以針對那些想要改善身材的女生提供一個矯正身型的塑身內衣,不論是整體還是想要改正特定部位,都可以根據自己的需求選擇各種款式,此次的品牌理念、產品及宣傳照現階段並沒有受到任何爭議,卻因為選用了一個對於日本文化意義重大的名稱而受到各界撻伐,在 Twitter 上引發日本人強烈抵制,不過關於 Kim Kardashian 為何會選擇此名還是一個問號。