Forever 21 向大碼顧客送減肥食品!究竟此舉背後有何含意?
相對於到實體店購物,外國人更習慣到網上選購單品,近日有顧客在 Forever 21 網站訂購大碼產品(Plus-size)後,收到包裹及附上的免費減肥食品,感到大為不滿及氣憤,於 Twitter 上指控 Forever 21 有意侮辱顧客!
I went from a size 24 to 18, still a plus size girl, so I ordered jeans from @Forever21 Opened the package, when I looked inside I see this Atkins bar. What are you trying to Tell me Forever 21, I’m FAT, LOSE WEIGHT? do you give these to NON-PLUS SIZE WOMEN as well?
— MissGG🏳️🌈 (@MissGirlGames) July 19, 2019
my mom ordered some clothes from @Forever21 ‘s plus size collection and they sent a Atkins diet bar along with the stuff she ordered💀
— jesse (@jessemarisaelao) July 19, 2019
Apparently @Forever21 sends out Atkins bars with all of its orders, which sends a wildly dangerous message to ALL of its customers. Not only is it fatshaming, it could also trigger people of all sizes who have EDs. This is as dangerous as it is inappropriate.
— Samantha Puc 🍦✨ (@theverbalthing) July 23, 2019
穿著大碼服飾的客人在網上發佈了包裹的相片,而圖中的 Atkins bar 是一款有助減肥的能量棒。不少客人認為此舉帶有 fat-shaming 及 body-shaming(羞辱身材)的含意,直言指責品牌「Forever 21,你想告訴我什麼?因為我太胖所以要減肥?」、「這非常羞辱人,我其實很喜歡 Forever 21,但我從未試過買衣服時感到如此不快」。
“From time to time, Forever 21 surprises our customers with free test products from third parties in their e-commerce orders. The freebie items in question were included in all online orders, across all sizes and categories, for a limited time and have since been removed. This was an oversight on our part and we sincerely apologize for any offense this may have caused to our customers, as this was not our intention in any way.”
Forever 21 其後發出聲明作解釋,表示所有尺碼大小的顧客都會收到免費的能量棒,又寫道「這是我們的疏忽,我們對於任何因此而感到冒犯的顧客道歉,此非我們的原意」。