這次不推極簡款: COS 這個限定系列,詩詞、刺繡背後都是浪漫的故事

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COS 的 T-Shirt、衛衣等基本單品中,不太常見特別花俏的印刷,素色、條紋,有圖案、文字也多以重點式點綴。不過這一系列的單品很不一樣,寫了好幾個段落的文字排得滿滿,還有繽紛的彩色刺繡,或許你已經猜到了,這是 COS 為了全球驕傲日所推出的 Love for all 限量系列。今年趁著台灣也有了第一間 COS,終於也可以不用透過代購、出國旅遊才能入手。

cos love for all pride limited poem rainbow t-shirt collab

這一次 COS 攜手藝術家朱子鵬、音樂人與演員 SOKO,還有表演詩人與模特兒 Kai-Isaiah Jamal,結合三人的創作呈現。藝術家朱子鵬以美式風格字型勾勒出笑臉圖案設計;SOKO 將自己的歌曲《Oh, to be a Rainbow!》作為靈感,化作可愛的刺繡圖樣;而密密麻麻的文字則是 Kai-Isaiah Jamal 的原創詩句《And That’s Okay》。

some of us have lovers that we can love only under certain moons
and that’s okay

some of us are waiting for others with uncertain blooms
and that’s okay
some of us are creating, making and shaping rooms
that make room for us.

some of our marches are hushed
some of our flags are tucked
some of our truth is in our trust.
some balls happen:

In the dark, with the lights off, in silence.
some family trees have broken branches
but l’ll tie a swing with you

and dip our toes in the violets

nor the violence

some pride be alliance
and nobody told me the colour of defiance,
nor for desire

or destination
nor for patience
or contemplation
and that’s okay
pride is a state
not a place
just a reminder that “free”

can be colourful or colourless
linear or another mess
everything or nothingness
pride is where all the questions don’t need answer.

where all the coloues can blur into one.

-Kal-Isaiah Jamal (they/them)

cos love for all pride limited poem rainbow t-shirt collab

繽紛的彩虹不一定是支持 LGBTQIA+ 唯一的選擇,Kai-Isaiah Jamal 的優美詩句化作為堅韌的力量,寫出許多人心中的感受,目前 COS Love for all 系列已經在許多地方售罄,目前台北 101 門市已經可以入手,希望也能夠從限定系列,為緊接著台灣即將到來的同志大遊行給予力量。

cos love for all pride limited poem rainbow t-shirt collab

cos love for all pride limited poem rainbow t-shirt collab

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