Diane Von Furstenberg Designs For Current / Elliott

雖然我並不完全同意這句話,但這的確是很有意思的一句話。Diane Von Furstenberg said, “Collaboration is just like any

89 Pops

雖然我並不完全同意這句話,但這的確是很有意思的一句話。Diane Von Furstenberg said, “Collaboration is just like any relationship, you should never have to compromise who you are when you’re in it.” 想必與 L.A .牛仔大哥 Current/Elliott 合作設計此系列的時候,也是抱持同樣「堅持本色,絕不妥協」的態度吧。印花天后這次將牛仔布刷上活潑靈動的花紋,近看有塗鴉式的狂放不羈,遠看卻另有青花瓷的高雅脫俗。我只能說,女王真不愧是女王哪~ [via]

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