因為選角過程而被罵殘忍,Angelina Jolie 要求雜誌刪文!《Vanity Fair》公開訪問錄音證編輯沒出錯!
Angelina Jolie 早前接受了外國雜誌《Vanity Fair》的訪問,當中除了透露自己離婚後的心情外,更分享了自己執導的新電影《First They Killed My
Angelina Jolie 早前接受了外國雜誌《Vanity Fair》的訪問,當中除了透露自己離婚後的心情外,更分享了自己執導的新電影《First They Killed My Father》的選角過程。但訪問曝光後,令 Angelina Jolie 飽受負評,更要求雜誌修改報導的網上版本。惟近日雜誌公開了她接受訪問的抄本,並拒絕要求!
根據報導,製作團隊需要在柬埔寨當地選擇適合的女童擔任女主角,選角的過程是一場「遊戲」,他們會先把金錢放在桌上,然後讓小孩想想可以利用這筆錢做什麼。之後,製作人員會鼓勵她們拿走那些錢,再讓 Angelina Jolie 捉到她們「偷錢」,讓她們解釋。這個殘酷的選角過程讓網民一致抨擊 Angelina Jolie 的方法,表示她作為聯合國難民署親善大使,卻這樣對落後國家的孩子,是非常冷血和嘔心。
對於海量的批評和謾罵,Angelina Jolie 選擇了發表聲明否認,直指是記者斷章取義,並表示其實當時那些孩子和家長都知道這只是一場試鏡。Angelina Jolie 的代表律師曾經要求雜誌刪除訪問的內文、發表更正聲明和公開道歉。但《Vanity Fair》日前就公開了 Angelina Jolie 接受訪問錄音的文字版本,證明該編輯並沒有任何錯誤的報導,決定跟他站在同一陣線。看看以下由《Vanity Fair》公開的錄音文字版本,再決定你認為誰是誰非吧!
AJ: But it was very hard to find a little Loung. And so it was what they call a slum school. I don’t think that’s a very nice word for it, but a school for kids in very poor areas.
And I think, I mean they didn’t know. We just went in and—you just go in and do some auditions with the kids. And it’s not really an audition with children. We had this game where it would be—and I wasn’t there and they didn’t know what they were really doing. They kind of said, “Oh, a camera’s coming up and we want to play a game with you.” And the game for that character was “We’re going to put some money on the table. Think of something that you need that money for.” Sometimes it was money, sometimes it was a cookie. [Laughter] “And then take it.” And then we would catch them. “We’re going to catch you, and we’d like you to try to lie that you didn’t have it.”
So it was very interesting seeing the kids and how they would—some were very conscious of the camera. They were actually—there are so many talented kids in this country. But Srey Moch was the only child that stared at that money for a very, very long time before she picked it up, and then bravely, brazenly lying, like was trying to hide, but then she also kind of—
EP: Wait. This is the girl, Loung.
AJ: This is the girl. And then when she was forced to give it back became very kind of like strong, emotional, she became overwhelmed with emotion that she was—and she just—all of these different things flooded out. And I don’t think she or her family would mind me saying when she was later asked what that money was for, she said her grandfather died and they didn’t have enough money for a nice funeral.