Taylor Swift 因版權被禁唱一事,舊東家直指她「精心策劃來炒新聞」


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有留意歐美娛樂新聞的人對 Taylor Swift 近期所發生的版權問題應該不會陌生。Taylor Swift 早前發文指舊東家 Big Machine Record 把她 14 年於公司發行的 6 張專輯的母帶版權全都賣給了知名經紀人 Scooter Braun,於 2020 年 11 月之前她都不能演出自己以前的歌曲,讓她不能於全美音樂獎 AMAs 拿下「Artist of the decade」獎項時演出。因著這篇貼文,讓許多粉絲、藝人都挺身而出,在網路上以「#IStandWithTaylor」替她聲援打氣。可是 Big Machine Record 卻立即發出聲明指 Taylor Swift 精心策劃一切來炒作新聞,到底這個版權問題誰是誰非?

Taylor Swift 日前以「Don’t know what else to do」發文,指 Big Machine Record 跟她交換條件,若然她想要表演自己以往的歌曲就先要答應兩件事:不能重錄先前的專輯、也不能公開提到他們。而 Taylor Swift 表示自己想要私下解決這個問題,不過現在無論是 AMAs、Netflix 紀錄片,甚至是任何她在 2020 年 11 月以前的表演都成了問題,全因前東家老闆以及 Scooter 禁止她公開演唱自己的歌曲。

Big Machine Record 就著 Taylor Swift 的指控也發了聲明,他們於聲明中指沒有禁示 Taylor Swift 於 AMAs 上表演,也沒有權利阻止她在任何地方表演,最後他們直指 Taylor Swift 單方面精心設計這一場「版權之爭」去欺騙支持她的人,表示她的發言深切的影響著 Big Machine Record 的員工及員工的家人,質疑她是在炒作新聞。

Big Machine Record 聲明如下:
「As Taylor Swift’s partner for over a decade, we were shocked to see her tumblr statements yesterday based on false information. At no point did we say Taylor could not perform on the AMAs or block her Netflix special. In fact, we do not have the right to keep her from performing live anywhere. Since Taylor’s decision to leave Big Machine last fall, we have continued to honor all of her requests to license her catalog to third parties as she promotes her current record in which we do not financially participate.

The truth is, Taylor has admitted to contractually owing millions of dollars and multiple assets to our company, which is responsible for 120 hardworking employees who helped build her career. We have worked diligently to have a conversation about these matters with Taylor and her team to productively move forward. We started to see progress over the past two weeks and were optimistic as recently as yesterday that this may get resolved. However, despite our persistent efforts to find a private and mutually satisfactory solution, Taylor made a unilateral decision last night to enlist her fanbase in a calculated manner that greatly affects the safety of our employees and their families.

Taylor, the narrative you have created does not exist. All we ask is to have a direct and honest conversation. When that happens, you will see there is nothing but respect, kindness and support waiting for you on the other side. To date, not one of the invitations to speak with us and work through this has been accepted. Rumors fester in the absence of communication. Let’s not have that continue here. We share the collective goal of giving your fans the entertainment they both want and deserve.」

然而,多家外媒隨即表示收到 Taylor Swift 團隊所提供的證據,證據都指向 Big Machine Record 的確禁示她演唱自己的舊作,也禁止 Netflix 的紀錄片使用她過去的音樂。先不說誰是誰非,Taylor Swift 面對 12 年心血栽在版權手上,想要舒發情緒絕對是在所難免,而作為她的支持者也以不同方式向她表示關注和支援,相信不論最後結果如果,Taylor Swift 也會感受到大家的溫暖和關愛。即使失去了 12 年的作品,往後的時間也會創作出更多超越經典的作品,當然也希望今次的版權事件終有一天可以撥雲見日,得到圓滿的解決。

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