出軌證據流出?疑似 Amber Heard 與 Cara Delevingne 電梯親熱照曝光!
有關 Johnny Depp 與 Amber Heard 的話題依然不斷…
Amber Heard 與 Johnny Depp 的世紀官司雖然已經結束,但是圍繞二人的話題依然延綿不斷,Amber Heard 先是被指在《水行俠 Aquaman 2》中被易角,她在判決結果出爐後接受的首個訪問中更稱仍全心全意愛著前夫,引發一波又一波的熱話。日前再有關於 Amber Heard 的醜聞流出,這次更牽涉到名模 Cara Delevingne,究竟所謂何事?

Photo by JIM LO SCALZO/POOL/AFP via Getty Images
在 Amber Heard 與 Johnny Depp 的官司中,其中一個重點就是在於 Amber Heard 有否在婚內出軌,早前她與世界首富 Elon Musk 的電梯親熱照片率先流出,日前就再有疑似 Cara Delevingne 與她的電梯親吻照曝光!根據 Andy Signore 所提供的照片,兩名女子在電梯中舉止親密,一邊擁抱一邊親吻。據 Andy所述,這系列 CCTV 拍下的照片地點在 Amber Heard 與 Johnny Depp 居住的 L.A. 公寓,至於拍攝時間則暫時未清楚。

Photo by Venturelli/WireImage
Yes Amber Heard was an adulterer and cheating wife! She only uses people to get what she wants. Even if it ment destroying someone’s life!#AmberHeardIsACheater pic.twitter.com/uWgjgxNE2A
— Black Women For the Democratic Party🌊 (@Mompreneur_of_3) June 22, 2022
Is that woman making out w/ Amber Heard during Johnny Depp’s marriage Cara Delevigne ?!?! The internet thinks so… We got some new details, Join Us LIVE now! @TragosLaw & @CA_Divorce and more are dropping by to discuss our BOMBSHELL Exclusive! https://t.co/ogFNbESY8b pic.twitter.com/JFzA4I0mdw
— Andy Signore (@andysignore) June 21, 2022
Amber Heard 曾被指仍是 Johnny Depp 妻子期間,與 Elon Musk 及 Cara Delevingne 出軌,外界更盛傳他們是「三人行」的關係,不過隨後 Elon Musk 出面澄清指自己是 Amber Heard 離婚後的情人,並不存在任何不正當關係。

Photo by David M. Benett/Getty Images

Photo credit should read FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images
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