關於鄧不利多的性向:J.K. Rowling 的這番言論,為什麼引來網友一片罵聲?
英國暢銷小說家 J.K.
英國暢銷小說家 J.K. Rowling,因為寫作《哈利波特》這部經典作品而轟動全球,奠定了她的現今地位。隨後推出的《怪獸與葛林戴華德的罪行》這系列哈利波特的前傳小說票房與口碑皆大獲好評,而先前在即將推出的藍光版本花絮中,她更多撰述了關於鄧不利多與葛林戴華德的同性戀情,引來各界驚喜,不過現在她卻引來許多網友一片罵聲……
J.K. Rowling spoke about Dumbledore and Grindelwald’s relationship: “Their relationship was incredibly intense. It was passionate, and it was a love relationship.” (Continue)
— The Rowling Library (@rowlinglibrary) 2019年3月17日
“But as happens in any relationship, gay or straight or whatever label we want to put on it, one never knows really what the other person is feeling. You can’t know, you can believe you know.” (Continue)
— The Rowling Library (@rowlinglibrary) 2019年3月17日
“So I’m less interested in the sexual side – though I believe there is a sexual dimension to this relationship – than I am in the sense of the emotions they felt for each other, which ultimately is the most fascinating thing about all human relationship.”
— The Rowling Library (@rowlinglibrary) 2019年3月17日
其實關於鄧不利多的同志傾向,早在 2007 年 J.K.羅琳就已經有所透露,當時一表態就瞬間引起大眾譁然,同時也在當時受到 LGBT 權利推動團體的支持,認為她為同性戀者做了另一種的發聲。而在先前為了宣傳即將上映《怪獸與葛林戴華德的罪行》的藍光版,J.K.羅琳在花絮中表示:「這是一段激情的愛情。」證實他們兩人已發生過性關係。
People are rightly taking the piss out of JK Rowling for her ridiculous post publishing announcements about Dumbledore’s sexuality & imaginary sex life. Unless there’s an editor’s note or some gay sex scene she was forced to cut out then she’s simply vying for attention.
— David Hooks (@PoliticsScot) 2019年3月17日
No one: ….
Jk Rowling in 2030: Voldemort was a depressed gay man of color
— HOOD VOGUE (@itskeyon) 2019年3月17日
The thing that bothers me most about Rowling going into the “intense sexual relationship” of Dumbledore and Grindewald is that after being criticized for glossing over queer characters except in interviews, she reduced calls for real queer rep to “give us kinky sex details!”
— Exorcising Emily (@exorcisingemily) 2019年3月17日
但影迷們卻表示哪裡可以看得出來鄧不利多是同性戀者?面對質疑,她在 Twitter 上也發表了一連串的言論,說道他們的關係與任何一段關係都一樣,「同性戀、異性戀或者其他任何被我們貼上標籤的人,我們永遠不會真正理解對方的感受。你以為自己知道,其實你一無所知。」更表示同性戀者就跟普通人一樣,並不用特別強調些什麼,但這些解釋或許還是依舊無法說服網友,網路上引起一片質疑,指責 J.K.羅琳在劇情中刻意掩蓋了該角色的真實性向,而純粹只是為了討好各種族群與達到宣傳效果,而突然有此同性戀說法。網路本來就是容納不同聲音的媒介,對此劇情的發展引來兩派不同支持者,而大家又有什麼想法呢?