第 3 位離世的演員:《Glee》演員 Naya Rivera 湖上失蹤確認死亡…

Goodbye Santana💔RIP Naya Rivera💔

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2020 年 07 月 14 日更新:
日前才跟大家報導過《Glee》(歡樂合唱團)中飾演 Santana 一角的演員 Naya Rivera 跟 4 歲兒子划船游泳時失蹤,警方搜索 3 日仍未有所獲,最後更把搜索改為打撈。稍早前終於傳來最新消息,美國警方指相信已經找到 Naya Rivera 的遺體,遺體身上的特徵以及所穿的衣服跟 Naya Rivera 一樣,將會進行化驗確定遺體身份。

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得知 Naya Rivera 逝世的噩耗,不少觀眾和演員都紛紛發表悼念辭,而當中不少更是跟她合作多年《Glee》的台前幕後工作人員,對他們來說 Naya Rivera 的意外離世是非常難接受,全因劇組從 2013 年起已經失去第 3 位主要演員。

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She was bold. She was outrageous. She was a LOT of fun.⁣ ⁣ Naya made me laugh like no one else on that set. I always said it while we were working together and I’ve maintained it ever since. Her playful, wicked sense of humor never ceased to bring a smile to my face.⁣ ⁣ She played by her own rules and was in a class of her own. She had a brashness about her that I couldn’t help but be enchanted by. I also always loved her voice, and savored every chance I got to hear her sing. I think she had more talent than we would have ever been able to see.⁣ ⁣ I was constantly moved by the degree to which she took care of her family, and how she looked out for her friends. She showed up for me on numerous occasions where she didn’t have to, and I was always so grateful for her friendship then, as I certainly am now.⁣ ⁣ And even as I sit here, struggling to comprehend, gutted beyond description- the very thought of her cracks me up and still brings a smile to my face. That was Naya’s gift. And it’s a gift that will never go away. ⁣ ⁣ Rest in peace you wild, hilarious, beautiful angel.

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There are no words and yet so many things I want to say, I don’t believe I’ll ever be able to articulate exactly what I feel but… Naya, you were a ⚡️ force and everyone who got to be around you knew it and felt the light and joy you exuded when you walked into a room. You shined on stage and screen and radiated with love behind closed doors. I was lucky enough to share so many laughs, martinis and secrets with you. I can not believe I took for granted that you’d always be here. Our friendship went in waves as life happens and we grow, so I will not look back and regret but know I love you and promise to help the legacy of your talent, humor, light and loyalty live on. You are so loved. You deserved the world and we will make sure Josey and your family feel that everyday. I miss you already.

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Naya was insanely talented, breathtakingly gorgeous, and one of the wittiest people I’ve ever met, but the legacy she left behind for me is her kindness. I joined the cast of Glee in the third season and as the newcomer, I was intimidated and terrified. The cast was already such a tight-knit group who had been working incredibly hard together for over three years to make it a hit show and I never expected any of them to have time for me. To my surprise, Naya, one of the most beloved by the rest of the cast (and the entire world), showed me instant warmth and kindness. She invited me to parties and gatherings and was always there to give advice. She was a superstar who had nothing to gain from being kind to the new girl, but she was and that changed this new girl’s entire experience on that show. I will forever be grateful to that beautiful human. My heart goes out to her family and her sweet boy. ❤️

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My Naya, my Snixxx, my Bee. I legitimately can not imagine this world without you. • 7 years ago today, she and I were together in London when we found out about Cory. We were so far away, but I was so thankful that we had each other. A week ago today we were talking about running away to Hawaii. This doesn’t make sense. And I know it probably never will. • She was so independent and strong and the idea of her not being here is something I cannot comprehend. She was the single most quick-witted person I’ve ever met, with a steel-trap memory that could recall the most forgettable conversations from a decade ago verbatim. The amount of times she would memorize all of those crazy monologues on Glee the morning of and would never ever mess up during the scene… I mean, she was clearly more talented than the rest of us. She was the most talented person I’ve ever known. There is nothing she couldn’t do and I’m furious we won’t get to see more. • I’m thankful for all the ways in which she made me a better person. She taught me how to advocate for myself and to speak up for the things and people that were important to me, always. I’m thankful for the times I grew an ab muscle from laughing so hard at something she said. I’m thankful she became like family. I’m thankful that my dad happened to have met her weeks before I did and when I got Glee, he told me to “look out for a girl named Naya because she seemed nice.” Well dad, she was nice and she became one of my favorite people ever. • If you were fortunate enough to have known her, you’ll know that her most natural talent of all was being a mother. The way that she loved her boy, it was truly Naya at her most peaceful. I’m thankful that Naya got that beautiful little boy got back on that boat. I’m thankful he will have a strong family around him to protect him and tell him about his incredible mom. I just hope more than anything that her family is given the space and time to come to terms with this. For having such tiny body, Naya had such a gigantic presence, a void that will now be felt by all of us – those of us who knew her personally and the millions of you who loved her through your TVs. I love you, Bee.

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2020 年 07 月 13 日更新:
若然說《High School Musical》(歌舞青春)是 90 後必看的歌舞電影,那麼《Glee》(歡樂合唱團)必定是屬於 90 後必看的歌舞劇集!《Glee》從 2009 年起播映,直至 2015 年才正式完結整整 6 季。劇集以美國高中合唱團為主線,講述這群年輕人追夢的故事,除了能欣賞到一眾演員精彩的歌舞演出外,當中的故事也讓一眾年輕人很有共嗚,因此全球不少觀眾都是劇集的忠實粉絲。劇集中每一位演員都可以是主角,其中一位讓人印象深刻的必定是毒舌但內心深處卻非常善良的 Santana Lopez。近日,飾演 Santana 一角的演員 Naya Rivera 卻傳來了噩耗,有指她可能意外溺水身亡,震驚觀眾!

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It’s #TriviaTuesday! Santana’s first big gig was a commercial for what product?

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據外媒報導,Naya Rivera 於 7 月 8 日下午帶著 4 歲的兒子到 Lake Piru 租了一艘小船打算划船游泳,可是超過 3 小時還未折返,而有遊客發現 Naya Rivera 的船在湖上漂著,船上只有她兒子穿著救生衣在睡覺。Naya Rivera 的兒子告訴警方他跟媽媽到湖裡游泳,但媽媽再沒有回到船上。事後警方已經馬上關閉湖區進行搜索行動,可是經過 3 天的努力仍無所獲,警方指相信 Naya Rivera 可能已經不幸溺水身亡,因此已經把搜索行動改為打撈行動,可是湖區能見度非常低,需要數周時間才能完成打撈工作。

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just the two of us

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不少人都紛紛為 Naya Rivera 祈禱,希望她能平安回來。有觀眾指這些年《Glee》的演員們都面對不少負面新聞,除了飾演男主角 Finn Hudson 的 Cory Monteith 於 2013 年服用過量藥物致死外,2018 年飾演 Puckerman 的 Mark Salling 亦上吊自殺身亡,加上現在 Naya Rivera 生死未卜,讓劇組演員像受了詛咒一樣,劇迷也悲痛不已。

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