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Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, his wife Britain's Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, and their children Britain's Prince George of Cambridge (R), Britain's Princess Charlotte of Cambridge (3rd L) and Britain's Prince Louis of Cambridge (L) arrive to attend a special pantomime performance of The National Lotterys Pantoland at London's Palladium Theatre in London on December 11, 2020, to thank key workers and their families for their efforts throughout the pandemic. (Photo by Aaron Chown / POOL / AFP)

Image from AARON CHOWN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

威廉王子凱特王妃帶著喬治王子、夏洛特公主路易王子到訪倫敦守護神劇院,欣賞聖誕節傳統童話劇。在眾目睽睽下走紅地毯,三位王子公主似乎並未怯場,尤其是走在中間的夏洛特公主,穿著經典的格紋連身裙,認真又自信的神情,頗具英女王年輕時的影子!至於弟弟路易王子所穿的藍色 Amaia 羊毛外套,其實亦是哥哥喬治王子以前的舊衣服,再次發揮他們一家的節儉環保本色。

Wearing protective face coverings to combat the spread of the coronavirus, Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (R) and Britain's Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (2nd R) speak with guests at a special pantomime performance of The National Lotterys Pantoland at London's Palladium Theatre in London on December 11, 2020, to thank key workers and their families for their efforts throughout the pandemic. (Photo by Aaron Chown / POOL / AFP)

Image from AARON CHOWN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

凱特王妃的穿搭也一如既往地高水準,身穿 Alessandra Rich 連衣裙,配搭 Halcyon Days 金手鐲和 Simone Rocha 的珍珠耳環,並展露出招牌燦爛笑容。英國政府規定 11 歲以下的小童可豁免戴口罩,而威廉和凱特在劇院中有佩戴口罩,會場中的座位也有一定距離,所以不用替他們擔心!


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