Brad Pitt 獲得最佳男配角時,致詞亦不忘取笑 Leonardo DiCaprio 於《鐵達尼號》的經典木筏一幕!
Brad Pitt 簡直說出了網民的心聲!😂
第 77 屆金球獎雖然在兩日前圓滿結束,一概獎項亦已經塵埃落定,不過得到最佳男配角的 Brad Pitt 卻因為致謝時的一句說話,不但引得現場大笑連連,更於 Twitter 上掀起一股熱潮!
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Brad Pitt 憑著電影《從前,有個荷里活》(Once Upon A Time In Hollywood),擊敗《你是我的朋友》(A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood)的 Tom Hanks、《教廷白煙》(The Two Popes)的 Anthony Hopkins 等候選人,成功取得最佳男配角。Brad Pitt 在台上致詞時,特別向好友 Leonardo DiCaprio 致謝「He’s an all star, he’s a gent, and I wouldn’t be here without you, man. I thank you」,大方地感謝對方在電影的合作。然而,幽默的 Brad Pitt 最後更加上一句「I would’ve shared the raft」,取笑 Leondardo DiCaprio 在電影《鐵達尼號》中本來有存活的機會,逗得現場觀眾合不攏嘴!
“I WOULD HAVE SHARED THE RAFT!!!!” Brad Pitt’s Titanic joke just made my life. #GoldenGlobes
— cari lyle murray (@cariannlyle) 6 January 2020
《鐵達尼號》上映了超過 20 年,不少觀眾都在質疑結局中的木筏本來可以承載兩個人的重量,讓男女主角同時存活,然而電影卻以悲劇收場,只得女主角在木筏上,男主角卻在冰冷的海水凍死。這個結局一直讓觀眾耿耿於懷,這次 Brad Pitt 的一句說話又再次引起網民關注,令 Twitter 上出現了大量帖文,可見 Brad Pitt 的看法亦是觀眾所想!
brad pitt on raft, 2020 (colourized)
— josie (@nightwving) 6 January 2020
“I have to thank my brother in crime, LDC…but still, I would’ve shared the raft.” ❤️✨#BradPitt ❤️✨❤️#GoldenGlobes
— Shrouk Ashraf (@Sheeka_Beeka) 6 January 2020
Brad Pitt was every young girl not wanting Leo to die in Titanic…. “I would have shared the raft” 😭😭
Kate Winslet you know what you did. @goldenglobes @LeoDiCaprio
— Im_a_wild_Flower (@catmccla) 6 January 2020