以高貴冷艷造型出席金球獎的 Kendall Jenner,竟然因為這個皮膚問題而被網民批評?
昨日的金球獎曲終人散,在欣賞過女星們的衣著和妝髮後,想不到超模 Kendall Jenner 在紅地氈上的造型竟然惹來批評!支持著 Time’s Up
昨日的金球獎曲終人散,在欣賞過女星們的衣著和妝髮後,想不到超模 Kendall Jenner 在紅地氈上的造型竟然惹來批評!支持著 Time’s Up 運動的她,身穿了黑色低胸前短後長剪裁的禮服,露出了長長的美腿,高貴大方。到底問題出在哪?原來網民攻擊的是她臉上的暗瘡!
把目光移近一點,的確不難看到 Kendall 的臉頰上長著多顆細小的暗瘡,雖然化了妝,但凸起的形狀依然讓人一目了然。網民有的責備,有的嘲笑 Kendall 的暗瘡問題,覺得她用不完美的一面來示人。
im not the biggest fan of kendall jenner but seriously? you’re really out here talking shit about her skin? you’re out here making fun of something that is a completely normal thing for everyone to go through? grow up. acne or not, she’s gorgeous.
— trista (@signofmyhes) January 8, 2018
To the people attacking and criticizing Kendall Jenner's skin, YOU'RE the reason why people with skin blemishes (of all sorts) are insecure. She could've canceled but instead chose to attend to support the "Time's Up" movement.
— Corisa (@CoriKast) January 8, 2018
Look I’m not a fan of Kendall Jenner st all she’s a headass and that’s facts but don’t make fun of her acne ???? She’s a human who has feelings and has struggled with her skin don’t assume cause she is famous she is expected to have perfect skin!!! We all get pimples idiots
— monique (@hesweetangell) January 8, 2018
事實上,暗瘡問題是個困擾 Kendall Jenner 很久的問題,打從 13 歲就出現了,一直讓她很沒有自信,甚至影響著她的交友問題。不過現在長大了的 Kendall 經已不再會因為暗瘡問題而自卑,反而學會懶理旁人的無理批評。在 Twitter 上她亦霸氣寫道「Never let that shit stop you!」,似乎是要跟一眾給予負評的酸民回應。不過,網絡上除了批評,還有的是理性的網民。許多網民表示雖然不是 Kendall Jenner 的粉絲,卻認為她因皮膚問題而被罵很沒有理由,覺得這樣不是她的錯,而她選擇出席頒獎禮也是在支持 Time’s Up 運動,值得鼓勵。其實只要活得自信,就是最美麗的女生了!