Amouage Interlude Woman
“Perfumes are more than beautiful scents. It is a philosophy, a representation of life, living,who
“Perfumes are more than beautiful scents. It is a philosophy, a representation of life, living,who we are and how we want to define ourselves” 先前跟 Amouage 的 Creative Director Christopher Chong 見過面,聽他說了不少塗香水的心得。比方如,平日出門,可以將香手塗於脈搏的位置。如果跟男朋友約會就可以塗於耳朵的後方。Amouage Interlude Woman 是 Floral Chypre 的香水,而且比一般的更濃郁持久,只要早上噴了一次就可以維持到夜晚了。這次推出的香水包裝精細,瓶身有藍寶石,蓋子是金色的 dome。Christopher 說每個國家每個民族都有 dome,他希望這瓶香水可以國際性一點。他們在英國 harrods 後街有一分店,而香港則於連卡佛率先獨家發售。