LifestyleYour Next Travel Destination: Six Senses Zighy Bay In Oman Middle East 隨著年紀又長一歲,思想不再如小時候般純真和青澀,覺得錢賺來不易,與其嚷著要買名牌,不如將錢拿去旅行,開了的眼界是自己的,體驗的經歷是一生的。旅行前請先定下意義在哪?在於到過就算,走馬看花一日遊10個景 208 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 19, 2013
FashionWhat’ve You Missed This Week 1. Embrace Autumn With Small Home Deco Changes 2. Michael Kors Takes Watch Hunger Stop Messaging 59 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 18, 2013
FashionPOPBEE Weekly Wishlist 1. Saint Laurent Betty Bag 2. River Island Pale Orange Fluffy Jumper 3. Repossi Ring 4. Jil 83 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 18, 2013
FashionTrend Report: Over-The-Knee Boots 長皮靴 (Over-The-Knee Boots) 是 2013 秋季配飾的重點潮流,而且長過膝蓋才時尚。一般女生可能會對此生畏,直覺要有模特兒的細長美腿才駕馭得好。非也!相反地 98 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 18, 2013
LifestyleEmbrace Autumn With Small Home Deco Changes 一位法國作家曾說過 “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a 185 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 18, 2013
FashionBest Dressed of The Week 今週是電影界繁忙的一週,紐約、倫敦都不約而同有電影節,因此匯集了多位一線女星出動為電影宣傳,也為我們帶來閃爍的紅地氈動向。慣常以波希米亞打扮出現的 Kate Bosworth 選了 69 PopsBy Winnieee/Oct 17, 2013