誰會登上鐵王座?《Game of Thrones》角色勝率分析,沒想到最終贏家可能是他!

經典美劇《Game of Thrones》從 2011

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經典美劇《Game of Thrones》從 2011 年開播第一季以來,便以氣勢滂礡的特效、場景以及驚心動魄的劇情扣住觀眾的心,跟著永遠摸不透的故事走向心情也隨之高潮迭起,稱供收服全球各地都成為忠實的 got 迷,不過依舊還是將迎來第八季的最終大結局,令許多粉絲感到不捨的同時,也相當期待究竟最後會由哪個家族贏得鐵王座?而全球知名投注網站 Betvictor 預測各大角色登上王位的機率,最後贏家可能是他?

Game of Thrones Who will rule the seven kingdoms at the end

隨著即將於本月開播的《Game of Thrones》最終章,各界紛紛想出不同的方法來搭上這波最後的熱潮,繼先前與 Oreo 合作推出聯乘餅乾,也為各位介紹過這部經典美劇走過哪些地方進行拍攝後,更有為劇中死亡角色所打造的公墓,可以見得這部神劇的影響力之驚人。而對於 got 迷最好奇的莫過於到底誰會贏得最後的鐵王座,由 Betvictor 投注網站大膽列出每位核心角色的機率分析:

Arya Stark(勝率:7%)

Game of Thrones Who will rule the seven kingdoms at the end

Sansa Stark(勝率:8%)

Game of Thrones Who will rule the seven kingdoms at the end

Tyrion Lannister(勝率: 9%)

Game of Thrones Who will rule the seven kingdoms at the end

Children of the Forest(勝率: 9%)

Game of Thrones Who will rule the seven kingdoms at the end

Night King (勝率:9%)

Game of Thrones Who will rule the seven kingdoms at the end

Daenerys Targaryen (勝率:20%)

Game of Thrones Who will rule the seven kingdoms at the end

Jon Snow (勝率:20%)

Game of Thrones Who will rule the seven kingdoms at the end

Bran Stark (勝率:50%)

Game of Thrones Who will rule the seven kingdoms at the end

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