iPhone 13 Pro、Pro Max 實拍照:微距照片超生動,低光源也精彩!


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Apple Event 之後,iPhone 13 系列終於上市,吸引果粉的原因有很多,尤其是講究的攝影功能。蘋果稱 iPhone 13 Pro 和 iPhone 13 Pro Max 是有史以來最專業的 iPhone 系列,尤其是專業級相機系統迎來史上幅度最大的改良,在 A15 仿生晶片無可比擬的性能驅動下,全新超廣角、廣角與望遠相機能捕捉令人驚豔的照片和影片,這些技術實現了以往無法在 iPhone 上使用的全新照片功能,還想著要不要入手嗎?不妨可以先參考 Apple 與攝影師:Paddy Chao 趙培均Anfernee Shih 施信峰Shouya Sung 宋修亞,合作的 iPhone 13 Pro、iPhone 13 Pro Max 實拍照片!

iPhone 13 Pro

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Paddy Chao 趙培均

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Paddy Chao 趙培均

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Paddy Chao 趙培均

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Paddy Chao 趙培均

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Paddy Chao 趙培均

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Paddy Chao 趙培均

iPhone 13 Pro Max

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Anfernee Shih 施信峰

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Shouya Sung 宋修亞

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Shouya Sung 宋修亞

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Shouya Sung 宋修亞

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Shouya Sung 宋修亞

iphone 13 pro max photography real captured with camera test taiwan review

photo credit:Shouya Sung 宋修亞

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