來自模特兒們的請願:暗黑的伸展台幕後,其實 65% 都患有厭食症...

更有 79% 曾被告知:「如果你不再瘦一點,就不會有工作甚至是面試的機會。」

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fashion industry petition model skinny sample size

Photo by John Phillips/WireImage

Next、IMG、Storm… 或許有不少人聽過這些國際知名的模特兒經紀,那 Shit Model Management 呢?與其用一間公司形容,這裡更像是一個希望能夠揭露事實的平台,並且在近日提出了希望能改變時尚圈所謂的「準則」。

@shitmodelmgmt 公開了一個數據,在某一次的調查中 4,481 位模特兒就有 65% 的人表示自己因為必須符合品牌的尺碼,所以患上了厭食症,除此之外,在 4,753 位中更有 79% 曾經被告知:「如果你不再瘦一點,就不會有工作甚至是面試的機會」,更有 73% 坦承所謂的「diet」其實對身體絲毫沒有益處,直言要求模特兒 180 公分高,但卻要在 50 公斤的要求扎扎實實地仍存在於現今的時尚圈。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

I’m tired of seeing my model counterparts wither away from eating disorders due to DESIGNERS’ standards. It is UNREALISTIC to force models who are about SIX FEET TALL to be 115 POUNDS. It is killing us. I’m tired of designers asking us to SHRINK our bodies to UNNATURAL states. This needs to stop. There are absolutely no regulations that are followed in the modeling industry so I guess I’m gonna make my fucking own. But I can’t do this alone. model fam, sign and share this petition and let’s demand change!!!! It’s time to hold designers accountable for the damage they’re causing. Hopefully they will listen. We’ll be watching and waiting and signing. Love you all SO MUCH. LINK TO PETITION IN BIO. ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️#shittystandards #MODELUPRISING. (don’t donate to change.org, if u want to donate, give to @neda !!)

Shit Model Management(@shitmodelmgmt)分享的貼文 於 張貼

其實最大的原因便是品牌每一季推出的 Sample 幾乎都在 0-4 號,若穿不下也代表走不上伸展台,因此平台便在 Change.org 設立了新的請願,連署呼應模特兒們登記,就從放寬 Sample 的尺碼開始,才能解決這個在時尚圈不健康的狀態,近一步改善大眾的觀感,甚至是時尚工作業者周遭會接觸到的負面言語評論。

fashion industry petition model skinny sample size

Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images