「瘦成一道閃電!」久違大螢幕的 Adele 終於在節目中公開她的瘦身成果!

終於聽到這個「全新」的 Adele 唱歌了!

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已經有整整 5 年沒有發專輯的 Adele 準備回歸一事相信不少觀眾都已經知道,然而,讓她經常處於鎂光燈下的原因,卻是因著她的瘦身成果。有留意的觀眾都知道 Adele 成為單親媽媽後,就積極改善身體健康,於飲食和運動兩方面著手,讓她從以往豐腴的體態瘦了一半。最近 Adele 就宣使將會接下《Saturday Night Live》的主持,讓觀眾們非常高興,事關這將會是她近年第一次的公開活動,也代表她將全面回歸樂壇!日前節目的預告亦隨著釋出,觀眾們終於看到 Adele 的最新瘦身成果,讓觀眾們非常驚喜!

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Bloooooody hellllll I’m so excited about this!! And also absolutely terrified! My first ever hosting gig and for SNL of all things!!!! I’ve always wanted to do it as a stand alone moment, so that I could roll up my sleeves and fully throw myself into it, but the time has never been right. But if there was ever a time for any of us to jump head first into the deep end with our eyes closed and hope for the best it’s 2020 right? Itll be almost 12 years to the day that I first appeared on the show, during an election…which went on to break my career in America, so it feels full circle and I just couldn’t possibly say no! I am besides myself that H.E.R will be the musical guest!! I love her SO much I can’t wait to melt into a flaming hot mess when she performs, then confuse myself while I laugh my arse off in between it all. See you next week ♥️🤞🏻

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《Saturday Night Live》的 Twitter 公開了 Adele 當主持的最新一期節目預告,節目中她與固定班底喜劇演員 Kate McKinnon 一起介紹音樂嘉賓美國女歌手 H.E.R,短片於 10 小時內,在不同社交平台已經超過幾百萬人收看,而觀眾大多都是對 Adele 的身形表示震驚。以往 Adele 都是以照片去公開自己的狀況,今次觀眾們終於可以更全面的看到她為健康所努力的成果,讓人非常期待這個「全新」的 Adele 的表現。由 Adele 主持的《Saturday Night Live》亦已經在 NBC 電視台播放完畢,除了看到她的主持功力外,還可以聽到她現場演釋自己的經典名曲,有興趣重看的觀眾可以在網絡上搜尋一下,看看 Adele 的表現吧!

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